Pocket Squares; how do you fold yours?

Am interested to see how people wear their pocket squares, and they they achieve that look. Crisp and smart, maybe with cardboard in their to hold it smooth. Or puffy and more casual, and ready to whip out to aid a weeping damsel...

I tend to go for a simple single point, but with my own fold which I find makes it very reliable and sturdy. Basically the square tapers towards the bottom, from being pocket width to being more narrow. This makes it easier to slide in, and allows the part which is turned up inside the pocket to be tucked in over the folds, making a solid and secure structure that sits nice and flat.
Professor Blighty said:
If I wear a jacket it always has a square in the pocket, never leave home without one.

+1. & it's always folded in what I was told some years ago the "President" style, where a very slim edge is visible extending along the topline of the breast pocket. With me it's something I've done since, as a young teenager, I first saw Sean Connery in Dr. No & thought it looked gr8 compared to the three peaks or one point which were prevalent at the time.
Since I have little or no clothes sense or colour co ordination I also went for the pale blue shirt & dark blue grenadine tie of Sir S in that film. The sartorial sense of his dresser carried me through many situations in the ensuing years.
& yes, I really do have an Irish linen snotrag which is starched & pressed into the correct folds to make a snug fit in the pocket without the need of any pins or cardboard.

Got to go, time for my meds I fear !

JohnnyO. \:blush:
I guess it's something you either like or don't. I particularly like them to add a little panache to more casual jackets and for evening wear. I don't tend to wear one for work though.
I prefer the more casual style.."artfully" crumpled into the top pocket...something in silk with a nice contrast.

I totally agree but I end spending ages fiddling with it to get that "this just how it fell" look, which is a bit ironic really....
As someone who has never quite attained the full, traditional gentleman status, due to being a tissue user (I blame my sinuses), can I ask - once you've folded your silk or linen pocket square and positioned it "just so"...

...what happens if you need to blow your nose?:s:angel:
chrisbell said:
As someone who has never quite attained the full, traditional gentleman status, due to being a tissue user (I blame my sinuses), can I ask - once you've folded your silk or linen pocket square and positioned it "just so"...

...what happens if you need to blow your nose?:s:angel:

...you borrow some other chap's..
Pocket square or Hankie (Silk) never linen or cotton. size approx 40cm = 16"

Pinch the middle of the square, holding the pinch let the four corners drop whilst holding the pinch part.

Now fold over the pinch part approx 8cm = 3" lay on top of the of the tails i.e four corners. by holding on too the folded part, push this down into the label pocket. You should now have the four corners sticking out over the label pocket, corners should be quite random and not to flop over too much or maybe not depending how flamboyant you are.

Charles U.K
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