Pipe Smokers

Thursday October 8, 2009
Any pipe smokers here at TSR?

I know it may seem strange but I've been smoking a pipe for a while and was wondering if anyone else here does it?
Yes. Peterson 80s. Usually full of Dunhill Royal Yacht or one of Peterson's Special blends. We have a pipe club in my city too.
Used to smoke a pipe for 30 years 'til I succumbed to the relentless pressure from Wifey to pack it in...I enjoyed every minute of it as well.....And as for do I feel better for not smoking....NOT A BIT...... I felt great before....and life's just not the same without my pipe...............Thats what comes of marrying a non smoker I suppose....

Used to smoke a rubbed mix of Players Navy cut Medium Flake and Gawiths Ennerdale Flake...Occasionally Copes Escudo...A pure tobacco...............................OH HAPPY DAYS.
Ha ha, no a bong doesn't qualify.

Vinny, Many years ago I bought myself a BBB pipe out of a now non-existant tobacconist in Glasgow. It had been a window display pipe and was slightly sun damaged. I think I got it got about £6 at the time.

I was only smoking the tobacco I had from that tobacconist (loose aromatic) and then by the time I had finished that tobacco the shop was gone. However, recently I discovered that another tobacconist from Glasgow had opened a whisky shop and when I visited I found that they had loads of tobacco for sale too. All packaged stuff though. I ended up buying some pouches of Alsbo Black, Vanilla and Cherry and have rediscovered my love of pipe smoking.

Point in hand is that I was interested to see if anyone here smoked a pipe so that I could get some (hopefully) unbiased views on tobacco which can be purchased in the UK.
What sort of tobacco do you like?.....I was never much of a fan of aromatics...but over the years have smoked just about every other sort....I even have a book with my notes of the various tobaccos I'd tried.......But then they may not do for you...............tobacco is a very personal thing...like Razors and razor blades...what is wonderful for one can be a rusty bread knife for another...
I've only really, or recently, been smoking Alsbo Black, Vanilla and Cherry aromatics

Im just looking for some pointers for other tobaccos to try.
Just picked up a Dunhill Bent Bulldog / Rhodesian - actually, it's only a Parker Jockey Club . . . but it's the same difference.
My grandfather smoked Erinmore I've not smelled it for a while but when I last did it still evoked childhood memories, alas he died over 20 years ago suffering with emphysema.

My father was a Peterson man and smoked Mellow Virginia, he quit in his late 60's due to heart disease. He's had bypass surgery, valve replacement and defibrillator fitted, which has saved him. Alas, though, at 82 he has had over a decade of being in and out of hospital and now his breathing is now so bad that he can't walk very far. That said he's one of hell's gramps on his disability scooter.

Good luck guys, I hope you all manage to dodge the bullet

Hey! Don't be a party pooper. You'll be telling them next that pipe-smoking combined with alcohol severely increases the risk of oral cancer. That wouldn't be very nice either. :icon_rolleyes:
joe mcclaine said:
Got to die of something,
that bit is indeed true but...
and what's for you won't pass you by.
I think we are to an extent masters of our own destiny and the choices we make stack the odds in different ways.

My issue is that all this gourmet style appreciation of specialist tobaccos doesn't make them safer and that its made no difference whether its cigars, pipe or cigarettes to my family all those that have smoked for most of their lives, its still got them in the end.

Ironically the death part hasn't been the issue to them either its the suffering they have and are experiencing while living that is.

I kind of see it as working in the opposite way as a pension fund. With a pension fund you pay into it depriving yourself now so you can have a better retirement, where as with smoking you do the enjoying now but with the likelihood that your twilight years will be rather less pleasant.

But each to their own.