Pinuad Clubman

Sort of yeah.How many variations of it are there? Talking to talc,I've seen that they do a shaving one too.

Depending on your skin colour it's ' flesh tone ' which, for Pinaud is a kinda mild pinky shade. Those type of shades weren't uncommon in the 1960s with Old Spice and others producing them with their own scents. The claim was that the talc allowed a matt finish to the jowls instead of a sheen. They fell from favour as guys became less formal in their turnout.

JohnnyO. o/
Thankyou for the interesting information JohnnyO.I never knew any of that.I think that I will give it a try.Cheers
It's probably my favourite scent so far that I could describe only as "manly". It's a scent you'd associate with Sean Connery or Jean Paul Belmondo. Girls like Zooey Deschanel would probably be repeled by it but women like Monica Bellucci would find it irresistible
Best thing I ever did for my Pinaud atershaves was to decant into a glass bottle. For some reason the plastic ones give off a bit of a funky aroma sometimes, especially after the level drops.

Massive fan of the original and The Veg. Currently got a bottle of Special Reserve that the jury is still out. Tried the Musk previously as well.

The Veg is probably the most polarising scent around but I love it. Both it and the original get used quite a bit in my rotation.

YMMV of course.
Pinaud clubman is brut. Many here will say otherwise, but check out the ingredients list for both aftershaves. With the exception of one ingredient, they're identical.
A Super Model & a 50 yr. old wharfside prostitute have 100% of the same ingredients. Are they the same to your nose?

Pinnaud clubman smells almost identical to Brut. If I'd know that I'd have probably saved myself £3. I read somewhere that it's a barbershop scent, not to me it isn't.

I feel like 12 year old me all over again right now, as I used Pinnaud this morning.
I'm going to follow your advice and decant it into a glass bottle.Great idea
It turned up tonight pal.I put some on my pulse points & let it settle.I quite like it but not sure whether or not it will last on me.I hope so.
Hope you like it Jack, it's the least distinctive and longlasting of the line on my skin. Think you'll maybe catch notes of it as time passes, however you'll find out how liberally you can splash away.

JohnnyO. o/