Closed Pass Around: Hone Type 15 - Completed

Sorry for the radio silence and slow replies, Busy time of year and family to take care of. looks like I have some catching up to do...

"One shave each".... "Not gonna happen"

So upon seeing the Hone appear on the not to distant horizon, I was to say the least a bit keen to try one, was I disappointed ?,

"Hell no".

Love it ! love it ! love it !.
Weight Perfect.
Size. Perfect.
Material used : Perfect.
Machined Finish : Lovely. (perfect was getting overused).
Quality of Shave : Excellent. (first pass WTG a little worrying, as it was not great, I'm guessing it was me).

Well done Hone, well done. :cool:

@Stacy555 Thank you so much for a blinding review! Truly, truly humbled by all the replies, feedback, and kind words here. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Hearing that makes it so worth it. :D

And in other good news I have indeed been working on a discount. Anyone that has taken part in the pass around can PM me for a special thank you code (and If anyone that has taken part had brought one in the meantime let me know and I will refund you the discount). I will make one available for all other forum members too.

Happy 2016 everyone.
@Hone That's a great gesture, many thanks.

I have posted my honest opinion on the Hone and after a 3rd shave nothing has changed, still love it, still want one, and as soon as my wages hit later this month, I will own one.:cool:

As promised I did a full pass without the Hone being rinsed or cleared of soap and stubble, did the job equally as well as it would if i had rinsed,
below is the evidence.

Bye bye Hone, going to be a long few weeks.
@Hone That's a great gesture, many thanks.

I have posted my honest opinion on the Hone and after a 3rd shave nothing has changed, still love it, still want one, and as soon as my wages hit later this month, I will own one.:cool:

As promised I did a full pass without the Hone being rinsed or cleared of soap and stubble, did the job equally as well as it would if i had rinsed,
below is the evidence.
View attachment 16125

Bye bye Hone, going to be a long few weeks.
So was the heat retention as expected. Stacy?
Yes mate, felt warmer than my skin for the complete pass, rinsed during second and 3rd as I wanted to get the best shave I could for a Saturday morning out with the Missus, so did not want to risk missing anything, in hindsight I probably would have got away with it.
Really looking forward to my turn. Out of interest what are people doing to clean it before passing it on??? Just asking so I do the same.

@Hone. Lovely jesture on the discount code. Not sure its good news for my wallet though.

Really looking forward to my turn. Out of interest what are people doing to clean it before passing it on??? Just asking so I do the same.
Here is what I did:
I've given the razor a good going over with washing up liquid and an ultra soft toothbrush I keep for this purpose, then gave it 90 seconds in the ultrasonic cleaner. Finally it got a 10 minute bath in freshly prepared Barbicide solution (‘hospital strength' according to the bottle) and a final rinse, before giving it a good dry with a microfibre cloth.
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Hmmmmmmmmmmm don't have any barbicide. Will have to get some in before my turn arrives!
Get it on the ebay or amazon or ask your local barbers if they can get you some. If you are lucky there is a Sally store nearby that isn't trade only.
Useful stuff for pass arounds and when buying vintage razors. For pass arounds I use it diluted to 'hospital strength' (see bottle) before and after I use the razor.
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