PAA Travel Scuttle

Mike Smart

Edinburgh Scotland
I Bought This Scuttle from
Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements & used it today for the first time.
The Plastic it’s made of is very robust & virtually unbreakable in its everyday use.
For me the bowl is very light and idea for travel as it’s intended.
You can either fill it with hot tap water, boiled out the kettle or even microwave it to get it hotter which i doubt i would do.
It’s probably everything you want in a travel bowl.
However at £27.50 i genuinely don’t think it’s worth it.
Yes i understand the science & technology’s in new materials but still at the end of the day it’s a shaving scuttle and well over priced.
Also the narrow bottom means you can’t really get a good splay in to it to make up parts of the soap you’ve pressed in.
Over all now that iv bought it i like it but if i were to rewind the clock i wouldn’t buy it again.
On the other hand iv had this collapsible dog feeder bowl for over a year now and it’s absolutely class.
infact i find it so good i can’t find any negatives and at £3.90 or less of ebay
what would you go for ?

I’ve got the dog bowl, bought with the intention to use it at home (I do mostly face lather, but will use bowl once or twice a week, or when using an unknown base to me). For travel (which I haven’t done in a while lol) I’d probably take it with me only if low on free space - it’s great how you can flatten it down and it’ll fit anywhere. But otherwise - I’d probably chose my timeless plastic razor bowl that I have.
Personally I don’t like the way the big knobs on the dog bowl get so close to the core of the knot on brushes. Not sure whether It can damage the knot (I don’t think so) but just something about it makes me evade it. However it definitely is a beast at making great lather.
I’ve got the dog bowl, bought with the intention to use it at home (I do mostly face lather, but will use bowl once or twice a week, or when using an unknown base to me). For travel (which I haven’t done in a while lol) I’d probably take it with me only if low on free space - it’s great how you can flatten it down and it’ll fit anywhere. But otherwise - I’d probably chose my timeless plastic razor bowl that I have.
Personally I don’t like the way the big knobs on the dog bowl get so close to the core of the knot on brushes. Not sure whether It can damage the knot (I don’t think so) but just something about it makes me evade it. However it definitely is a beast at making great lather.
I Also have the timeless and your correct it’s decent although again way over priced if you compare it with the dog bowl.
You can actually get the same dog bowl without the knobs as you call them :ROFLMAO:
for £2.50 on ebay
I Also have the timeless and your correct it’s decent although again way over priced if you compare it with the dog bowl.
You can actually get the same dog bowl without the knobs as you call them :ROFLMAO:
for £2.50 on ebay
Yep that’s true! Honestly I think it would be fine if the knobs (it just sounds too funny I know haha) were one of the smaller ones on that bowl! But if it’s the price that we’re mainly concerned about then the dog bowl wins hands down haha
Yep that’s true! Honestly I think it would be fine if the knobs (it just sounds too funny I know haha) were one of the smaller ones on that bowl! But if it’s the price that we’re mainly concerned about then the dog bowl wins hands down haha
Ok so you prefer a smaller knob :unsure:
I’m hearing you :geek:
I Bought This Scuttle from
Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements & used it today for the first time.
The Plastic it’s made of is very robust & virtually unbreakable in its everyday use.
For me the bowl is very light and idea for travel as it’s intended.
You can either fill it with hot tap water, boiled out the kettle or even microwave it to get it hotter which i doubt i would do.
It’s probably everything you want in a travel bowl.
However at £27.50 i genuinely don’t think it’s worth it.
Yes i understand the science & technology’s in new materials but still at the end of the day it’s a shaving scuttle and well over priced.
Also the narrow bottom means you can’t really get a good splay in to it to make up parts of the soap you’ve pressed in.
Over all now that iv bought it i like it but if i were to rewind the clock i wouldn’t buy it again.
On the other hand iv had this collapsible dog feeder bowl for over a year now and it’s absolutely class.
infact i find it so good i can’t find any negatives and at £3.90 or less of ebay
what would you go for ?

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I'm avoiding the branching discussion myself but I'm completely with you. I've had the dog bowl (with the aforementioned knobs) for the past few months and it has been in constant use. I procured the scuttle, I've used it a handful of times and frankly it isn't all that. I'm finding it takes significantly more effort to get a decent lather in comparison to the dog bowl.

As you rightly say it definitely isn't worth the price tag, that isn't a reflection on the pricing in the UK though, its not far from 'at cost' when you try to buy it directly.
I'm avoiding the branching discussion myself but I'm completely with you. I've had the dog bowl (with the aforementioned knobs) for the past few months and it has been in constant use. I procured the scuttle, I've used it a handful of times and frankly it isn't all that. I'm finding it takes significantly more effort to get a decent lather in comparison to the dog bowl.

As you rightly say it definitely isn't worth the price tag, that isn't a reflection on the pricing in the UK though, its not far from 'at cost' when you try to buy it directly.
100% Agree
taking the price out the equation the PAA for me is just to narrow at the bottom.
as i said earlier iv bought it, i like it & i’ll use it but it’s just the wrong shape for me and should be wider at the bottom.
i guess the only real difference between them both is the dog bowl dosent keep your lather warm and for a guy like me that often shaves in cold water it makes me ask myself why i bought it
100% Agree
taking the price out the equation the PAA for me is just to narrow at the bottom.
as i said earlier iv bought it, i like it & i’ll use it but it’s just the wrong shape for me and should be wider at the bottom.
i guess the only real difference between them both is the dog bowl dosent keep your lather warm and for a guy like me that often shaves in cold water it makes me ask myself why i bought it
Lol yeah I'll use it because of the price tag, I have to justify the layout in some way shape or form. Currently it's still sat in my odds and ends box under the sink whilst the dog bowl is hanging on my towel rack ready for use, kind of says it all.

I know I bought into the idea of an indestructible scuttle, I'm a clumsy bugger, with the luxury of warm lather (which I hadn't experienced before) - along with the normal PAA entertaining sales pitch of course.
I do have both the PAA scuttle and the dog bowl. I’m using scuttle every time I shave with my SR and I love it and I don’t find the scuttle being narrow the problem as I get excellent lather every time. Recently I travelled and decided to take with me the dog bowl as it folds thus it will take minimum space; however I did have hard time to get the good lather and was disappointed that it didn’t work what so ever, than switched to simple bowl that my friend took from the kitchen and I would get my lather working in no time, in conclusion the $15 I’ve spend on the dog bowl was a waste, furthermore if you don’t mind that scuttle take more space than get the scuttle and you want regret it.
Back in the day when pre-covid travel was possible , I used an old Proraso tub / lid and stored the brush in it between places.

I use it for regular shaving at home too and it's a nice compact size that you can whip up enough lather for a shave - not the same as a full size, i know, but it works well enough for me.

Prior to that i used an old TOBS tub which was slightly bigger.
I do have both the PAA scuttle and the dog bowl. I’m using scuttle every time I shave with my SR and I love it and I don’t find the scuttle being narrow the problem as I get excellent lather every time. Recently I travelled and decided to take with me the dog bowl as it folds thus it will take minimum space; however I did have hard time to get the good lather and was disappointed that it didn’t work what so ever, than switched to simple bowl that my friend took from the kitchen and I would get my lather working in no time, in conclusion the $15 I’ve spend on the dog bowl was a waste, furthermore if you don’t mind that scuttle take more space than get the scuttle and you want regret it.
I’ll be honest i don’t think iv ever had trouble lathering in what ever i use.
i’m never in a hurry and enjoy the time to myself.
To me the only benefit to the scuttle is keeping your lather warm but again on a personal level i normally have enough lather on my brush that i rarely go back for a second dip sort of speak
I own the travel scuttle and do like it. I typically face lather so i use the scuttle mainly for the fact that once in a while i try and like the warm lather option the shave scuttle gives and the dog bowl would not. Also i shave a lot in the shower so a ceramic Scuttle would be a safety hazard for me. the scuttle also works for me for traveling as then a bowl lather tend to suit me best as the alternative is slinging the lather all over the place which i try to prevent when traveling. so Yes for me would recommend the travel scuttle. (y)
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