open comb razors

I was considering buying an 11C, but now that you have Muhle in, how does it compare weight-wise to the Merkur? I prefer a fairly heavy razor - the Merkur 34G (HD) I got from you is my all-time favourite. There's still time for me to research and decide before Christmas :)
The 11C is the same weight as the HD but the Mühle's are very lightweight.

The 12C has a very good heft to it.

Mühle 41 48g
Merkur 11C 76g
Merkur 12C 108g
Look at these two open combs. Excuse the pic quality. The one on the right clearly has more gap between the comb & blade. The one on the left has no gap.

The one on the right is a voracious carnivore. The one on the left is a delight to use.

fozz77 said:
Look at these two open combs. Excuse the pic quality. The one on the right clearly has more gap between the comb & blade. The one on the left has no gap.

The one on the right is a voracious carnivore. The one on the left is a delight to use.

What models are they Fozz? The handle of the one on the right looks similar to a Muehle 41?
You know what Naked, you might have hit the nail on the napper. I am going to give it another whirl at the weekend and REALLY take my time. But given that the razor that this is supposed to be an improvement on is leaps and bounds ahead of it I wont be wasting to much time & hopefully no more meat on it. More to follow....
Has anyone tried the Merkur 15C OC Classic?

As the Merkur and Muhle heads are reputed to be the same beast how does their performance vary? I guess the weight and dimensions will be similar.

The HD OC will perform similarly to the CC, or does it?

I am curious, I may (will = RAD) need a spare OC to come with me on my travels and I'm still concerned that the Muhle R41 (as much as I genuinely love it) will not prove sufficiently robust for frequent hotel comings and goings...

As you have the Merkur open comb head on the Muhle, If you do purchase another razor I recommend you buy a 33C as you will then have a 15C & a 33C (if you use the 33C handle with your Muhle head)
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