on becoming a chap

Sir Prize sounds like the guy for the job and no mistake. I wonder if he gives lessons.

He did give me a lesson on snuff taking when we met. But you're either SirPrize or you're not, there's no faking it.

Despite owning one or two of the accoutrements, I'm not a chap and don't want to be, I'm just a man. (A manly man mind you).

I'm not sure I like all this "trying" to be "chappy", there is a blog writer here that seems to go in for it in a big way... always seems a bit false and a tiny bit fey to me.
As for "The Chap" magazine, that is one massive toe curler of fake Terry Thomas / Doctors in Love mawkery.
How about a monocle? You will need to perfect the art of saying. "I say what a fine filly " whilst opening the eye with the monocle in and seeing if you can get it to drop in the said ladies cleavage.

Believe me it takes some practice but like riding a bike you don't forget once you've got it.
mattlad said:

We talking about being a chap or a dandy?:huh:

In my mind it comes down to:

If fashion or style < x where x might be defined by statements along the lines of "I don't give a bugger if it looks threadbare, this came from Lewis of the strand and it's done me well for the last 12 years, don't see why the hell I should go into one of those hellish high street shops and be served by some reprobate with an ear ring through his lip" = chap?

You don't think you're taking this just a tag too seriously but in a manly way of course.
Gentlemen... gentlemen - you make me blush! :icon_redface:

From what I can gather the definition of a Chap according to the magazine of that name is one who is devoted to tweed, pipes, brogues, open razors and cravats.
I do not wear Tweed - it is hairy and uncomfortable, doubles in weight and smells of urine when wet, and of course is never worn in Town.
I'm more of a corduroy and fleece sort of chap - I mean person.
I do smoke a pipe and I do wear brogues - although I prefer a deep rich glow rather than a high gloss parade shine (in both pipes and brogues!)
I do not use an open razor - too much to learn and too much concentration required (attention span of a goldfish).
I utterly abhor cravats - if you wish to cover your Adam's apple what is wrong with a tie? - and if you wish to go open necked then just do so.

So I'm afraid that I am the last person to consult on how to be a Chap.

Might I direct you gentlemen to a blog by a friend of mine, featuring a few friends of mine?


If you really want to see some chaps, I may have to pull out some photos of my uncles Emilio and Enrique...
I fear you're correct Brechet, I fear you're correct. A duffer I have become; yet a happy & contented one withall.
I congratulate you on what is fast seeming to be an idyllic lifestyle, bereft of door to door cold callers & with a "lady who does" most of us can only dream of.

JohnnyO. \:blush:
If only I could get her to occasionally flick her feather duster at my more unusual places, JohnnyO! Add to your fantasy of my lifestyle two Bengal cats and, as of this morning, some of Prof. Blighty's glycerine shave soap.

At last I have found my blade -7 o'clock blue Russians - and a lighter touch for under my nose and chin. Another two lovely gifts of this day.

Pantaloons de Nimes as standard rig prevent me from being a Chap, apart from my attitude to life and a few other considerations. Dufferhood also eludes me. In fact, I am a contented and happy GOG - and there is the secret. Doesn't really matter what follows as long as 'happy and contented' preceeds it (due respect to others de dah).

I have to say, the addition to my life of a daily shaving meditation has brought great joy and calmness. Half way through my 30 days!
osdset said:
Pith helmet, jodhpurs,monocle,riding crop.

Have we wandered into one of your more erotic fantasies Here ? I feel we should be told !

If only I could get her to occasionally flick her feather duster at my more unusual places, JohnnyO! Add to your fantasy of my lifestyle two Bengal cats and, as of this mor
ning, some of Prof. Blighty's glycerine shave soap.

Consider them added ............... And how happy you must be to be spared sharing in aforesaid fantasy !

JohnnyO. \:angel:
Not necessarily true, JohnnyO! Depending, of course, on the quality of your mind, I may well prefer living in your fantasy rather than my reality. I don't attend the opera for music alone! (Another very generous and unexpected gift from yesterday - ROH upgraded a pair of tickets for me - by £111 each!)

But this is about becoming a chap and to that we should return, I feel.