Newbie to the forum, couple of questions :-)

Really, wow that's pretty crazy!! For me it was great as it was an affordable entry into straight razors and billy1s feedback was excellent so couldn't go wrong. I also have a vintage HG Long & Co just to see the difference of another razor.

Yes I totally agree with you about the instant gratification these days. Its more frustration not being able get right what should be a simple task of shaving but I fully appreciate this is a totally different beast (SR). Its frustrating but also I look forward to the next shave to try and better the technique, and I guess that is part of the fun of learning this method. I know it will be a moment of satisfaction when I manage to get the chin area somewhat shaven
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I'm not sure if this makes you feel any better but, it took me several months to get my stropping technique right.
I was able to get a pretty good shave with a shavette but, much like yourself, got frustrated with a vintage straight.
About one year down the road and my stropping technique is fine. I'm closer to getting a super smooth shave although it takes me some time compared to a DE.
If you have another look at the Lyn Abrams video, which I did again recently and also accept that you are at the start of a fairly gradual learning curve, you'll notice that things get easier.
I used to find some grips and angles incredibly unnatural but now I don't really think about it that much.
I hope that helps?
Thank you, I feel a bit more normal Actually today was a much better shave, attacked the chin area a bit more than normal and found the neck easier opening up fully like a knife. I think my angle was too narrow as well, I read somewhere to put the blade against the face and slightly open the angle, I think I wasnt opening enough so today I made the angle larger to what I hope is 30degrees and seemed a lot better. I will try watching the Lyn Abrams video again, thank you.

Actually feel a bit more satisfied from todays effort!
As with any type of shaving, practice and repetition are important.
I'm pleased that you've had a better experience today.
The angle thing is important but you'll find that there is quite a margin of forgiveness on that.
As you've already found out if the blade is tugging it's probably less to do with your technique and more to do with your edge.

This is sadly true for numerous things outside of shaving as well. And there's a sad "Lowest Common Denominator" factor.
no it isn't, a cheap gold dollar will shave ever bit as well as a "western" razor. an edge is an edge.
Based on my own experience (I am a month or two ahead of you), practice makes perfect! You will get there, and suddenly you will realise you are shaving the chin and shaving it well. I too took a long time to master that area. About two weeks ago I suddenly found I could do against the grain passes, something I was a million miles away from maybe a month ago. It takes a while to learn, but this cut throat shaving lark is immensely satisfying once you can do it with a reasonable amount of proficiency.
no it isn't, a cheap gold dollar will shave ever bit as well as a "western" razor. an edge is an edge.
Yeah..That..The Steel on the Gold Dollars is Quality Steel..If they Have Been Properly Honed & Sharpened they are Great Shavers..Mine is a Keeper cause there is Something Cheeky about it..I Laugh Every Time I Use it Cause they get Such a Bashing in Some Forums..

I Even Like the Chad Valley Scales..


Hi thank you, I was just going to post today. I watched the Lynn Abrams video again, much better to watch again like mentioned earlier. I did manage to get a bit more at the chin when I followed the videos advice to split the chin into a few sections. It wasnt great but I atleast managed to get to it It really is satisfying every time you achieve that little bit more and I know I have a long way to go.

Like you Billy I have my GD back from billy1 and it is great. Okay I dont have much to compare with and dont have the experience under my belt to judge the quality but I like the fact that I can buy one of these that cheap and they work so well. I guess like you mention its all down to how its honed.

Looking forward to learning and improving and enjoying the ride along the way
Amazing how satisfying it is to shave Actually stropped well I think, giving out the right sounds, and managed to shave the whole face. Okay not fully and not well so had to go over the whole lot with a DE, but it just felt right. Im not sure if this is a good thing to do or not but since I started straight shaving, when finishing the shave off with the DE I have been using left hand for the left and right for right, just to get the brain used to it. I found it really helpful, as to me its harder shaving on the left with a DE so when I use the straight it feels smoother and easier I used the HG Long razor. I had it honed and felt like a different razor. I think even though when purchased it said shave ready it now feels like a totally different razor. Its an addictive sport!
Really enjoying this thread. I don't own a SR. However, always wanted to own and use one. Would not have a Scooby where to start - some good learning going on here!