Newbie Superspeed blade advice

Little update on this:

I used the Personna's daily for the first ten shaves or so whilst I mastered the basic technique, I then went a bit off track when the Fatboy came and I tried a Feather (which worked well) - but I want to maintain some consistency so the Fatboy will be sidelined for a while while I work on my skills. Fido's brush and a choice of soap/creams has improved my lathering no end, so I can work my way through the sample pack.

As I mentioned in SOTD I have got on really well with the Derby's - it's quite likely a combination of improved technique, better soaps and lathering as much as the blade, but I've had two consecutive close shaves with virtually no irritation. These are the verticals though, supposedly of more variable quality, so who knows what the next blade will bring!
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