New member


Sunny Cornwall
Hi to everyone at the shaving room, just to introduce myself, I go by the name Blademonkey. I have been wet shaving with de razors for about 18 months.
I have just read with much interest the pass around with the Hone type 15.
I had already made my mind up yesterday and ordered one from Andrew from Hone, a very helpful man indeed, so with any luck I should be shaving with this fantastic looking razor shortly. Many of your views have made me even more excited to receive / use it. Anyway introduction over, I hope to not only take interesting information away from this forum but I hope I can add something also.
Until next time, bye for now.
Hi, thanks for your welcome message, I developed Rad very quickly indeed and I'm afraid it's been a slippery slope ever since.
I started off with a couple of Muhles an 86 and the fabled R41, that's when It really got me, before I knew it I had the full set of AAT, a feather ASD2, a 50mm and 60mm kamisori and two feather artist club Japanese style razors the ss and the Dx, I now have a Gillette fat boy in the post along with the Hone type 15 so yep I got Rad alright. Although I was able to let the Muhles go so I have it under control!!!!
Well that's what I keep telling myself!
It's good to be amongst others who get that itch when they hear about another must have razor.
Hi, thanks for your welcome message, I developed Rad very quickly indeed and I'm afraid it's been a slippery slope ever since.
I started off with a couple of Muhles an 86 and the fabled R41, that's when It really got me, before I knew it I had the full set of AAT, a feather ASD2, a 50mm and 60mm kamisori and two feather artist club Japanese style razors the ss and the Dx, I now have a Gillette fat boy in the post along with the Hone type 15 so yep I got Rad alright. Although I was able to let the Muhles go so I have it under control!!!!
Well that's what I keep telling myself!
It's good to be amongst others who get that itch when they hear about another must have razor.

Nice hardware. I got similar razors.
Nice, how are you getting on with the type 15? What would you compare it to? Looking forward to receiving mine.

I would compare it with my Muhle R89. It's a (very) mild razor. Depending on the blade. Using a voskhod blade it's very mild but when using a feather blade it a tad more aggressive.

And the Hone is a heavy razor. Weighing 165 grams.
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