name me some good gillette razors, bit confused

What are these gillette safety razors like?

Anyone tried them?
If so, are they mild of aggressive?

Seem to be called gillette 7 o clock safety razors

Can anyone tell me what type of gillette ball end de razor I have? Like the year etc?

Seems in really good condition

hey just want to double check, am i right in thinking its the gillette old type which comes in short and long open combs?
All the OLD and New Improved razors came with just their standard open comb. The early ABC Canadian made razors had teeth that were made slightly different but that was peculiar to that model only. The New razors that had a separate head could be had with a long comb, short comb, or long comb Deluxe, which had a heavy baseplate with a flat bottom. The Deluxe also came in two slightly different versions, one with 15mm between the teeth on the bottom, and one with 17mm between the teeth, the top looked the same on both, just the angle of the cut between the teeth was different. The long comb and short comb had completely different baseplates, not just different length teeth.
Anything made before 1950, and pre 1940 is even better.
That's Flare tip, and the type of safety guard doesn't affect so called "aggression".