MWF soap


So as with every one else I seem to have amassed a few creams and soaps. My favourite go to is a Barrister & Mann I dunno i just seem to get a nice shave every time with it. But then the Wool Fat one keeps cropping up.

So any one got any for sale? be it sample size or even the scrapings left in a bowl, I don't have a soap dish but can use a coffee cup? to load from.

Thanks :)
I'm not sure that samples would work well enough for MWF - it takes quite a lot of loading and this is best done from a full sized puck to my mind. I'd also recommend putting into a dish and adding a drop of water overnight to both soften the surface and help it stick to the bottom of the dish.
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I'm not sure that samples would work well enough for MWF - it takes quite a lot of loading and this is best done from a full sized puck to my mind. I'd also recommend putting into a dish and adding a drop of water overnight to both soften the surface and help it stick to the bottom of the dish.
Not to hijack the thread, but I've seen this advice here and there, and I did it myself, using a Grundtal IKEA container. However, there are also advice to let soaps dry after use. The latter runs counter to the former, doesn't it? Any tips here, what sort of soaps take what sort of treatment?
I think the difference is that I'm suggesting hydration before use - especially with MWF that may have dried and cracked. It seems that using the puck often maintains hydration therefore you can let it dry overnight. However, if you're using it in rotation, some people suggest hydrating it the day before use.

Generally speaking I let soaps and creams have some air after use as you recommend.
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