Much interest in coffee here still?

If it’s a hand grinder you’re after, you can’t really do better than a Porlex. Not the cheapest, but less than the amount I’ve spent on grinders that break after a few months! You can also get replacement parts for them, though I’ve used mine daily for a few years and never had to replace anything on it.
A question for Moka Pot users - do you find a difference in the taste of your coffee if you start with cold or boiling water?

I'm playing around with the Moka Pot having exclusively used an Aero Press for the last few years.
A question for Moka Pot users - do you find a difference in the taste of your coffee if you start with cold or boiling water?

I'm playing around with the Moka Pot having exclusively used an Aero Press for the last few years.
I personally prefer to use boiling water - apart from anything else - it speeds up my morning coffee significantly. This is a good thing.
The biggest improvement I got - assuming you are grinding the coffee appropriately - slightly finer than for Aeropress - was to change to the 'temperature surfing' method. Basically - you never allow the water to boil fully - you avoid the noisy, spluttery stage at the end. The theory being it stops the steam forcing bitter elements into the resulting cup. In my opinion this works. I got the technique from the channel of James Hoffman - you can find it here -

It's not as complex as it looks - and I've never bothered with running the pot under cold water, once you get used to it, it's easy to stop the reaction. Side by side it makes better coffee than the cold water/full boil technique in my opinion - by some margin. Something else I think is vital is that you need to pretty much fill the basket with coffee, if your brew is too strong - just add hot water and dilute to taste. Hope this helps - cheers - I.
Thank you! I enjoyed the video. I'll have a go with some of the techniques.
Hello, I'm new!
Just thought I'd give a shout out for Tynemouth Coffee Company, a North Shields small batch roaster and blender that I purchase from regularly.
No idea which coffee beans they use but some of their blends are out of this world! We normally have Bobby Dazzler but Jingling Geordie is excellent and Hadaway Harry is from a different region each month but always good!
We don't prepare our coffee in any special way, just have a Melitta filter machine on the go all day!
I drink mostly Arabica beans from the supermarket which I grind myself. They’re ‘good enough’ for me. Lidl has a nice selection.

I use a ceramic Melitta filter and filters to brew my coffee. These days they call it ‘slow coffee’ and it’s very much hyped. But I don’t know any other way. I’ve been brewing coffee in this way for many, many years.
Just got a few bits n pieces delivered recently to take on trips with me.
1zpresso K Ultra hand grinder,
Top drawer love it.
Also got a set of scales with timer and a few V60 components.
Also have some new coffee
some i won’t open until i’m in Africa next week but the one i’m drinking at the moment is a new for me called Luckies and i’ll certainly be getting another before i go
There are so many independent roasters in the UK now. I use TrueStart who have a 25% off discount code.