Merkur Progress vs Parker Variant

As usual, I felt that I had to cover all angles, so, over the years, I've got the original plastic knob version, whose looks I have always liked, in the short-handle; a Mergress with the stainless knob, in the short version but with the long Mergress knob; and a Digress with brass knob in the long handle model. All shave equally well, and I couldn't possibly prefer one over another.

I tinkered around with these, and inlaid paint to the marks, but that's not very durable. It was a case of "gilding the lily", and these razors, in whatever manifestation, are nice because they're simple, they don't need much attention to keep them going, the adjustment range suits me just fine, and the Art Deco looks are spot-on. In fact, they're everything that the b****y Futur isn't.
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Final shave with the Progress and it was very nice. The GSB has two shaves on it so will be good for opening proceedings with the Variant.

I like the weight of the Progress. I like its aesthetics. I like how it shaves. I love that plastic knob. It's an everyman razor. Someone who dodges the forums and the associated rabbit holes could be happy with this razor for their entire life. Today you can pick one of these up new from @Agent Shave for just over £40 with our discount code. Rude not to at that price.

That's what I call Progress, baby!
The plastic knob put me off buying one for months, as I thought it looked tacky.
I found a deal on them and with the TSR discount code on top I snapped one up at a real bargain price and thought stuff it let's just try it.
It's probably one of the best performing razors I own and I am even OK with the plastic knob now.
You are right it can be the only razor you need if you can dodge those darn rabbit holes and stay away from the infamous emporium.
The plastic knob put me off buying one for months, as I thought it looked tacky.
I found a deal on them and with the TSR discount code on top I snapped one up at a real bargain price and thought stuff it let's just try it.
It's probably one of the best performing razors I own and I am even OK with the plastic knob now.
You are right it can be the only razor you need if you can dodge those darn rabbit holes and stay away from the infamous emporium.
I'd argue the Emporium provides a high quality and and value for money dive in to the rabbit hole :sneaky:

You'll come to love the the knob!

I had preconceptions about this razor. I could see that I'd enjoy the Progress more and that the Variant would end up on the BST. I'd be able to confirm this from the first shave. I know what I'm on about.


Super smooth shave. That felt good. The Variant is noticeably heavier than the Progress but the balance feels good - better than the Mergress I had. The coating on the head of the razor appears to glide as well as the Progress - perhaps even better. The knurling works well and helps ensure grip is maintained with the extra weight. It feels slightly more blade forward (positive exposure) but not by much. Noticeable but still comfortable.

Let's see how the second shave goes.
I did dither for some time between buying a Progress or a Variant and did a lot of reading about both earlier this year.

I am sure i recall that some people with both (who said they were very similar in performance ) had a tweak that involved fitting the slimmer top cap from the Progress onto the Variant for improved performance?

To my mind, the only drawback of my long handled Progress is the weight and the head bulk compared to other razors, but i soon got used to that.

Yes, I know the photo is shit. It's a Monday.

Another great shave with the Variant. The blade did two shaves with the Progress and two with the Variant. I could feel it start to struggle on the final couple of strokes of the final pass. It provides a useful constant which makes the following statement important:

I think I prefer the Variant to the Progress. Performance, balance and handling. The Variant seems better to me even if the Progress is better looking.

I've loaded a fresh GSB in to the Variant before I finalise that claim.

48 hours growth. A fresh GSB was loaded - I find these always take a single pass to smooth out. The initial pass had me worried but the smoothness I've come to associate with this razor had returned by the second pass.

Another shave with the Variant then I'll do a final shave with the Progress before making my verdict.
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Final shave with the Variant. Mighty fine it was too.

I'm not going to deliver a conclusion just yet. I want one more shave with the Progress. I'll end my time with the Variant by saying I've enjoyed every shave I've had with it.

Have you used the Pearl Flexi? There seem to be a lot of excellent modern adjustables at a number of price points now.
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