Mental Health Awareness

I know the feeling. It's so hard to just move on to something else, and you never know if it will be better. At Andy's Man Club last night, one of the guys made the point that there's no point making yourself ill for the benefit of the company, because nobody in HR or management will ever have a heart attack or stress related illness over anything you do or do not do. They'll miss you/me for 2 weeks while they hire someone and then you or I'll be forgotten by the fat cats and HR drones. I have to keep telling myself this every time I find myself stressing myself out over work.

Yeh...I went on sick leave two years ago for the same reason. Mentioned the amount of hours to my manager but she doesnt seem to give a shit (I know where I stand now!!)
It's one of those days. Woke up OK set-off to work. Boom.
One or two frustrations in my life but nothing that effects me personally.
But I was in Costa getting a coffee to treat myself before I go to work and it hit me. Had to proper suck it up whilst stood by the till... could feel the emotion building up inside.
Now sat in the car outside my first customer feeling like I should turn round and go home.

Hey ho. Life goes on.
Sorry to hear this, @CjH . So where do you think that reaction is coming from? Do you feel trapped in a particular short term situation or longer term life path?
Apologies if you've mentioned this before - it's a long thread and I have covid at the moment so my brain is mush - but have you had any counselling? It might help you develop coping strategies if you know what's causing these feelings or help you identify why you feel this way if you don't already know.
I had a friend whose depression was chemical. She could be in a really good place in her life and just switch to crushing depression; she could also be in a bad situation dealing with lots of problems but not depressed.

Just some thoughts
No idea.
Possibly just tired after a long weekend of early starts.
Maybe I just don't want to go to work.
Maybe it's subconscious, not being in control of the few frustrations in my life.
Maybe it is chemical.
Maybe it's because my wife suffers with fibromyalgia and anxiety.

It could could be any of the above, or a mixture or all of the above.

BTW. I hope you recover quickly from your covid @NotTheStig Brain mush is the worst.
My girlfriend and I had an argument in a restaurant which we haven't yet made up. I was tidying up my Hotmail account and found an email from a former long term partner. She's single and broken up from her last relationship, and wanted to get in touch. Bizarrely the email was 9 months old. I called her and she is now enjoying singledom, and becoming a crazy cat lady.
I have always loved her, and these emotions have come back. I can't tell her how I feel as it would probably end our communication. She wants to meet up for some strictly platonic dating.
Go for it, when we are on our deathbeds we regret what we have not done not what we have done!

I think most of us have those days from time to time, it's how you deal with it that's the important thing and we all deal with it in our own ways.
Do what you do, tomorrow is another day.

Exactly, keep telling yourself just that!
You will get through it.

Gosh, no comments for over 2 weeks, I hope that's a good sign and everyone is keeping their head above water.

Well I've nose dived recently. Finally reached breaking point, which is why I've been quieter than usual on the forum. I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to do and taking all the stuff the doc gave me. Been working too hard for 4 years and putting the bosses greed before my health and now the party's over. Signed off for 5 weeks, new meds as of today, but still in pain 24/7 and now I can't even pretend to keep going as normal. Thankfully I am supported by friends and the doc has given me time to try to recover. How did it get so far? I have a feeling that a big project is coming that would only be done by me. Part of me wonders whether they'll decide they don't need me if they can do it without me. If it goes tits up in my absence maybe they'll realise what they had, and broke. I don't actually care, I need to recover and move on I think.
You have to look after yourself, your bosses don't care, you are just a small cog in their machine and if they break you they will replace you with another cog, sad but true!
I hope you come out of this in one piece, I can't give you any advice, it would be like the blind leading the blind.
Good luck my friend, your physical and mental health must come before everything else.
