Meißner and others!

Shwmae chaps! I'll be running a PIF (UK only, sorry) which will feature the following;

Meißner Tremonia Strong 'N' Scottish soap. (courtesy of @Blademonkey)
Speick tallow stick. (courtesy of @Tom)
3 Palmolive sticks grated into a tub. (courtesy of @Blademonkey)
Wilkinson Sword Classic razor.
Boots Bay Rum (mentholated).
Boots Freshwood a/s balm. (courtesy of @Boru62)
Various blades. (courtesy of, well, everyone I think!)
RazoRock BC Synthetic brush.
Various samples.

And that's it! :) The thinking behind this is that I've been gifted plenty over the last year and I couldn't have fallen this deep into the rabbit hole without you b*astards gentlemen! :D The idea I had for this is either for a new starter on this forum or to gift the majority to someone else to have them join us down the bottom of this burrow with the MT soap to keep for yourself! :) I hope I've got all my 'courtesy of's right! (For this lot as new products you're looking at an excess of £50!)

I'll be drawing the lot with the aid of a random number generator on the weekend, time-permitting, and will chase up the lucky winner thereafter! :)

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Yes please Ben count me in would love to try the razorock brush and the Meißner Tremonia Strong 'N' Scottish soap. Very generous pif !
Thank you for the opportunity.
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