Italian razors on ebay

Hi all was browsing ebay today and came across a razor made by the man himself on a buy it now
Nothing to do with me just thought i would share.
but why you would want to sell such a thing is beyond me.
I'm guessing that it's cryptically worded so it only speaks to the true enthusiasts! Stops people like you or me, who haven't a clue what he means, from jumping on ebay and speculatively sticking a bid on!

(That said, it isn't hard to track down. Beautiful, I'm guessing it's a bargain for a serious collector, but out of my range!!)
Thanks for the heads up Tuftey02, I'll post pics when I receive the Snake Razor (Always fancied one) next to my other 3 Mastro Livi's. They're truly amazing shavers and at £300 sovs, it's a bargain.

Someone should snap up that the Buffalo scaled one.
Here's my other Mastro Livi's. I think the Snake will fit in nicely.



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