I may be leaving TSR soon... :(

Hope every thing goes well for you K. I have been in a job that wasn't working and got a tad political.

Things will all work out in the end, I'm in a job I love and in the industry I love too.
You have my sympathy, it sounds like you're better off out of there. I went self employed last year because the culture of bullying and politicing at my last employer had become intolerable. I wish I'd had the guts to leave sooner.
I´m routing for you Konstantinos and I hope it'll work out well for you! It's such a lousy spot to be in, especially for you, without famliy our close friends you can vent things with. I think they should see that, but maybe they think it's not as bad as you say or they just don't give a damn and think you can pull rabbits out your hat ;)
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time K, as mentioned above one door closes another one opens, I am sure you will be much happier and better off in another post. I hope you come and join us in Scandinavia so we can have a TSR meet here, I would have loved to met up with you guys in London.

All the Best

Sorry to hear about your woes. There are limits to what one can take from work. The world is always looking for competency, and I'm sure a better job is out there fo you.

All the best for dealing with the issues that will no doubt arise

Sorry to hear about your hassles Konstantinos - sounds pretty shitty man and I wish you a quick and happy resolution to the problems and that the life is once again good for you!

On another note - don't start a thread like that again man - thought you were about to say you were off for good! Glad you're not dude - just make sure you keep in touch when you can :)

All the best,

I have been lucky enough never to really undergo either, but I suspect that a period of unemployment is better than misery at work. Congratulations on sticking to your principles; jobs can be replaced, honour is more difficult.
All the best to you mate.

You are better off out of it, let them fester in their own......

I recently had a similar situation & yup, you guessed it, i will be on the move again. Life is too short to put up with things that are wrong.

Rant over, back to job searching LOL
One thing that I always remembered when work started to bring me down was that one needed to..."Never be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life.
define yourself."
Some times easier said than done.

What ever you decide, good luck!
Ulsan, South Korea

Graham, Mikael, Johnus, Ian, Rick, Adam, Marcel, Adrian, John, kt thank you all for the supportive words.

After a short telcon I had this morning, it looks like end of October or early November I'll be heading for the above destination, on a 2 or 3 year assignment. Nothing is confirmed as yet, but to my understanding it is now a question of fixing some small (but important) details of the benefits package before putting the final signatures...

I'll keep you all posted.
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