I may be leaving TSR soon... :(

This is my first time on here this week, and I've just skim read this post. Sorry to hear all you're going through at the moment :(

I hope it all sorts itself quickly, and I look forward to seeing your contributions back on here soon!

Take care ;)
Dear all,

I'd like to thank you for the support and comradeship, following my original post on this thread.

While here at work resistance proved to be pretty ineffective at all during the turbulent last week, I'm gradually getting better now having realized the game being played and how mean people can be. I did what I felt was right by not selling my integrity and defended my people, instead of succumbing to adopt mobbing behaviour promoted/ordered delicately by line management that wants to run this unit and region as a mafia gang would do.

One thing my people told me is not to give up, but stay and persevere instead of walking away. Leaving during this time would mean admitting the 'evil forces' won easily, and I don't like to give them that. In addition, making a move back to Asia has to be in line with long term career aspirations, and I cannot really see a reason for sacrificing that as well by accepting an inferior position just to 'get away' from this hell.

Recovery and actions that follow it may take a bit more, but as I read somewhere yesterday, "...If you fall in the mud puddle, check your pockets for fish..." :)

Once again thanks to all of you, I'm slowly back here as well.
Excellent attitude!

I realised a long time ago that we ourselves are in charge of the way we feel about everything. Whatever others do, or however others are, how we feel about the situation is ultimately up to us, other people do not dictate our feelings, we alone can do that. Once you determine in your own mind that they are not going to upset you, no matter what they do or say, you regain control, and they cease to be able to effect your life in a negative way.

It's a hard mindset to master, but once you've got it, you can then decide how any person or any action will make you feel.
A bit of a thread revival, but it's fresh news and needs to be said.

The whole thing here is over for me, to put it bluntly.

Things have not been going well at all for many months here. After a 4-pg very strong and intense official complaint letter which I filed at the end of last week, which caused a lot of seismic waves all the way up, area line as well as area HR management decided to come and visit us here during this week for 2 days in order to handle the matter further.

Their decision taken by top management is that I am not desired to head this unit any more, there will be gradual succession until December, this succession has already started, I was also 'advised' to take a full month's vacation starting soonest if possible, etc.

Plans from hq for us here indicate we should be two heads less in January next year, and with the complaints I have been continuously making I was simply easily chosen to be the first of the two. Officially I remain in my position until the end of 2011 but in practice arrangements have already started for me assuming another (unknown yet) position in Europe or Asia, preferably soonest possible and latest by January or February 2012.

Noise to 'top floors' is not good, especially if you show them that you are not willing to compromise on your integrity. It is much easier for them to keep all the dirt here and change the (foreigner) manager instead who repeatedly openly showed them that he refuses to compromise with their lack of integrity and mobbing practices. I had stressed clearly to them in my complaint letter of last week that "...I do not want to be part of a sub-standard office culture where third-world country attitudes prevail; if you want to continue in this mode, please let me know so that I reconsider my employment options..."

Now we all know their answer.
Companies can't stand it when one of their employees stands up for themselves against bad practice or bullying. I worked for a private hospital that was part of a group. Our manager was a bully and caused real misery among most of the staff. Head office stuck with him only until he insulted a consultant. I'd gone long before that and could probably have got them for constructive dismissal but I was stressed, miserable and could not face any sort of legal process once I'd left the place. Now I work for myself and I'm much happier. K, I do hope you end up in a better situation than the one you will soon be leaving.
I think the Europe move that has been talked about sounds promising and from what you have said in the past, where you are now is has been made untenable.

The chances are that, with the attitude you describe, the department is on a downhill spiral so removing yourself is a smart move.

Where ever life takes you I wish you success and happiness.
Jeltz said:
I think the Europe move that has been talked about sounds promising and from what you have said in the past, where you are now is has been made untenable.

The chances are that, with the attitude you describe, the department is on a downhill spiral so removing yourself is a smart move.

Where ever life takes you I wish you success and happiness.

Agree 100% with Jeltz.

With the current economic woes a lot of companies are, as we put it up here 'kicking the arse out of it'.

Best of British K
Sorry to hear the news K but I think its probably what you needed and the move should be seen as the next opportunity for you to further your career.
I wish you every possible success in the new role.
regards, Bill
I'd like to thank all of you for your kind thoughts, words and support.
I can tell you it is not easy at all, but I am not losing my confidence or faith and should come up with a good post hopefully pretty soon.

I've never had any real support from the organization ever since I came here, and this is why them dumping me now does not surprise me at all. The mistake was that I chose to come in this swamp in the first place, two years ago.

Thanks to all once again, including those who have positive thoughts even though they may have not necessarily expressed them here.
Sorry to hear about your trouble Konstantinos, I have every sympathy.

My last job was for an employer who regularly market themselves as being 'Outstanding' without tagging onto the end 'at the expense of our staff'. It was the worst place I have ever worked and the closest I have been to having a nervous breakdown. If I had stayed there I would have suffered from some stress related illness before too long.

In the end I took a 40% pay cut and moved to where I am now. Loved the job so much the money didn't matter, then my manager left and (as fortune would have it) they offered me his job and I'm better off than I was before.

I guess the moral of the story is it just isn't worth staying in a job you hate (if you have an option to leave of course) as you can't buy your health.
Hey Konstantinos, chin up and don't let the bastards grind you down.

It's dog eat dog out there but come back and hang with the cats on here. ;)

Best wishes.
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