I have a confession...

We used to have a petrol mower. My dad converted it into an electric mower by removing the petrol engine and bolting on the mother of all electric motors. This Frankenmower weighed about a ton and a half. You started it by holding down a button he'd fixed to the handle (at which point it would start buzzing) and leaning down to push at the mower belt until the blades started spinning.

Then... oh boy... then he decides by tilting this monstrosity onto its back and building a platform onto it, he can detach the mower belt from the blades and attach it to a circular saw, thus creating his own infernally dangerous sawmill.

It worked a treat actually. However one thing he never bothered with was health and safety. One day he reached underneath it to check something, and hit the circular saw with this fingers. He didn't fetch his fingers off, but three of them were cut to the bone. First and only time I ever saw my father pass out. My mum, being a nurse, was unfazed, and got a neighbour to drive them to hospital, where they stitched him up.

We laugh about it now, of course.

In a later episode I'll tell you about myself, a sharp knife, and two plaice welded together in the freezer...
cheese_dave said:
We used to have a petrol mower. My dad converted it into an electric mower by removing the petrol engine and bolting on the mother of all electric motors. This Frankenmower weighed about a ton and a half. You started it by holding down a button he'd fixed to the handle (at which point it would start buzzing) and leaning down to push at the mower belt until the blades started spinning.

Then... oh boy... then he decides by tilting this monstrosity onto its back and building a platform onto it, he can detach the mower belt from the blades and attach it to a circular saw, thus creating his own infernally dangerous sawmill.

It worked a treat actually. However one thing he never bothered with was health and safety. One day he reached underneath it to check something, and hit the circular saw with this fingers. He didn't fetch his fingers off, but three of them were cut to the bone. First and only time I ever saw my father pass out. My mum, being a nurse, was unfazed, and got a neighbour to drive them to hospital, where they stitched him up.

We laugh about it now, of course.

In a later episode I'll tell you about myself, a sharp knife, and two plaice welded together in the freezer...

Dave as long as it wasn't skate you were trying to get your implement between.
Playing football during lunch break in a old hall. There was a buttress protruding from the wall. Swinging at the ball - which was sponge and therefore needs hit hard - missing and catching the edge of the buttress. Ye Gods the pain. At first I thought I was going to faint, then I thought I was going to puke, then I started laughing because it was marginally better than crying. It turns out I fractured a bone in my foot.
as an apprentice it was my job to go to the stores and basically do all the gofor jobs for the tradesmen during the day.
sometimes we needed bits and bobs and they'd send me off to other plants to 'borrow' the gear.
our stores bike was one of them old butcher bikes with a basket on front, no gears and no fuckin brakes either
i was coming back down the hill from another plant after a successful raid on the stores when i noticed that the front wheel and the handlebars were out of line :roll:
so i decided to give the front tyre a boot to line it up


put my foot into the wheel and as the toe cap got stuck in the spokes it went all the way to the forks and i went from 60-stand still in 0.5 seconds.

arse over tit in front of the office were all the fanny was :oops:

not cool for a 17 yr old with a mullet and plukes :lol:

thanks to the steelies no damage apart from pride, oh and the gravel rash didn't last that long
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