I have a confession...

that every now and then, I am known to use an electric.... I can almost hear the sharp intake of breath resonating around TSR...

In my own defence, the excuse for this crime against shaving is that about once a month I have to get up at "stupid o'clock" to get an early flight from Heathrow and believe me at 3am my priority is speed in and out of the shower and out of the front door. Plus I wouldn't complete trust myself witha sharp implement at that time of the morning...

The reason for my confession, other than it is good for the soul, is the difference I notice in my stubble by the evening. Following an electric (philishave) the stubble is softer, compared to my normal regrowth following my regular HD shave, which appears to be much coarser.

Needless to say the electric shave is crap, doesn't get as close and not a pleasant start to the day, but hey, needs must and all that..

Cheers, Rousey
I am also that soldier - except insert "Edinburgh (Turnhouse)" or "Newcastle (Woolsington)" for Heathrow - but I'm strong - I just shave the night before - there's bugger all difference at the end of the next day, especially as I'd have to shave at 2.30-3.00am to allow me to get to the airport...
"The reason for my confession, other than it is good for the soul, is the difference I notice in my stubble by the evening. Following an electric (philishave) the stubble is softer, compared to my normal regrowth following my regular HD shave, which appears to be much coarser.

Needless to say the electric shave is crap, doesn't get as close and not a pleasant start to the day, but hey, needs must and all that."

Cheers, Rousey

Quite a few years ago I remember seeing an article showing magnified photo's of facial hair shaved by an electric razor and by a traditional wet shave. The electric hairs' were ragged at the point they were cut, The looked like rope that's been pulled apart, the 'traditional hairs' were cut very uniformly with a chamfer (love that word!) One of the reasons that I think it can be easier to get in-growing hairs with a close shave.
Electric hairs, traditional hairs? Help
My first shave ever, as a teenager, was with an electric shaver. It became my shave device of choice for many years, until I realised it was really making me sore (and spreading my pimples!). Eventually I moved to cartridge razors, and used them for a few decades. But I did invest in a new electric, for quick shaves, a good few years ago. I was never happy with it, it still left me rough, but I thought it was a decent alternative.

Wouldn't settle for it now though. I think I'd readjust my schedule so that I could DE shave.

If I had to confess something, it's that I like to put mayonnaise on my pizzas :oops:
I used electric first off aswell. And still did until i got my first cheapo DE, then upgraded to my Merkur 34 HD.
Electric gave me shaving rash, missed loads of bits, didnt make me so soft, and i didnt get much enjoyment from it. I hated it.
Changed to DE after thinking about it for a while.
Although, on saturday i was going to have to be at work early, and go straight to my GFs for her family meal, so i did think i was going tohave to get the electric out again.
Luckily i got given the day off so i can have a nice shave before :cool:
Up until about 18 months ago, I shaved daily with an electric razor. To be honest, it didn't really give me any problems, I just got so so shaves with it, and eventually got bored.

The correct method of shaving is the one that works for YOU, and it really doesn't matter if it's an electric, cartridge, DE, Injector, SE or straight.

But, you could maybe try getting up a little earlier :lol:

Arghhhh man! Now I feel like the only one who hasn't used an electric shaver. I've never even used one of those trimmer things.

I only just started using an electric toothbrush (my dads, but with my own blue coloured brush tip) a week ago. Sensodyne (the new d***do-shaped one) + 15 year old Braun Oral B toothbrush = Great Combo.

Going off topic here for a a mo:

I was listening to the radio and 2 journo's were discussing how they are pressed for time and the time-saving methods they use. One of them said she brushes her teeth whilst on the loo. And the other one revelaed she did this too. This got me thinking, has anyone shaved whilst on the throne? I couldn't do it cos I need morre time.
Cheers Guys; I feel better for confessing my sin. Good idea by HM to shave the night before; I will give it a try.

I would much rather travel via Newcastle airport; great airport with easy access, transfers etc. Heathrow can be a nightmare. Although I have to say Terminal 5 is so well organised; no queues at security and great shopping. The organisation is so good that I am begining to think it is run by the Germans and not us Brits!!!

Cheers Rousey
ok, funny story time.

years ago when i first needed to start shaving my folks got me an electric (battery) shaver from Argos to use on the old bum fluff.

well i tried and tried to get this thing to cut the hair but bugger all was happening.

so in a moment of pure genius thinking, to see if it was working properly, i stuck it on my tongue :oops: :eek: :shock: :cry:

it was working alright :roll:

it stung like a mo-fo and bled for ages

hando said:
ok, funny story time.

years ago when i first needed to start shaving my folks got me an electric (battery) shaver from Argos to use on the old bum fluff.

well i tried and tried to get this thing to cut the hair but bugger all was happening.

so in a moment of pure genius thinking, to see if it was working properly, i stuck it on my tongue :oops: :eek: :shock: :cry:

it was working alright :roll:

it stung like a mo-fo and bled for ages


hahaha. Reminds me of the time i stuck my finger in the blender in similar circumstances. It went on and the bleeding wouldnt stop.
Its electric windows in cars that get me.
Since my mum told me that they are dangerous, and you can split an apple in them(or used to) ive always wanted to put a finger in the gap as it closed.
The ones on their car, im not sure if they will stop or not.
Is it a risk i want to take?
So far, ive not done it.
Ok. Has anyone ever had a car door closed on their fingers ?

Unimaginable pain. Worst thing is, it takes a couple seconds for people to realise what's wrong - so you're stuck with the door shut on your fingers - until they open the door.

I've also had a bank's Safe door closeon my fingers. OH MY GOD. I wasn't robbing it, I worked there.

Basically, be careful with fingers and doors!
I may as well confess, you couldn't make up the scrapes I've been in, most not suitable for this gentle forum, anyway, my dear old dad used to keep tropical fish, loads of them. As a really young kid I loved when he bought tiny live worms (mealworms?) and really small aquatic snails for the fish to devour. I know the stories about fingers, don't worry, no piranhas. One day I happened to notice that a snail had escaped the guppies attentions and had grown to biblical proportions, too big and too hard a shell for the guppies to take on. I, being not the brightest sparkler in the box, thinks, " OK Snailzilla, your history" fishes it out, sic, and looks around for something to crush it with, in the background I hear the twin-tub washing machine, incorporating an electric mangler (See where this is going?) Mum's not around, this is the very job for young Russell. Switches the mangler on, pops Snailzilla on the rollers and immediately hears a satisfying crunch. I hear my mother approaching and attempt to hide the evidence by wiping the snail pancake off with a cloth. Fingers are in the mangler, the machine starts to bounce all over the kitchen and I am portraying a lifelike interpretation of Munch's The Scream. Not a word could I get out. Mum walks in, sees her firstborn dancing with a washing machine, his hand stuck in the mangler and his fingers sticking out looking like fat pork link sausages. I think I'm safe, only to see my mothers legs go a bit wobbly, a glazed look in her eyes appear and she starts to slide down the wall. I think "I'm going to be killed by a fucking washing machine" At that the machine gives up the ghost with a bang! I drag my fingers out (pain) and help my mother up. She is hysterical asking repeatedly if I'm alright. Once confirmed the fruit of her loins is hale, hearty, but a bit shaken, she knocks shit out of me for being so bloody stupid. Mind you I was 27 years old. ;)
sonny said:
Ok. Has anyone ever had a car door closed on their fingers ?

Unimaginable pain. Worst thing is, it takes a couple seconds for people to realise what's wrong - so you're stuck with the door shut on your fingers - until they open the door.

I've also had a bank's Safe door closeon my fingers. OH MY GOD. I wasn't robbing it, I worked there.

Basically, be careful with fingers and doors!

Yes. When i was younger. My brother did it.
I gave him a good thump after that i think.
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