Hampshire wool fat shaving soap

@Boycie83 's Magical Emporium Ltd. has signed an exclusive distribution deal.....

"Are you tired of paying full price for your artisan shaving soaps you will use once then push to the back of your cupboard?
Are you tired of waiting for your artisan shaving soaps to be delivered from worldwide with ever extending postage delays?
Then look no further than Boycie's Soap Emporium*
Boycie's Soap Emporium does the hard work for you at unbeatable prices.
Your gains are Boycie's losses. Or gains, I have no f*cking idea.
Buy some f*cking soap"

*Trading since 2019, company records and registration are with Companies House.
I messaged earlier this month when she was due to have stock and she said a company had bought all her stock and she should have more by mid March. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to try some later this month

Yes she told you the same then!

I see you have been employed as sales director, great pitch!!!
