Guitar players

Dr Rick said:
Yeah, I'm an unrepentant widdle-merchant, I am a big Vai fan and he was a huge influence,

I had a brief flirtation in the 80s with the widdly, acrobatic excesses of Vai, Satriani etc. Finally I accepted that I would never be a shred-meister, and returned to my earlier influences of classic rock (Townshend and Richards are huge influences), funk, and post-punk. Andy Gill (Gang of Four), and John McGeoch (Magazine/Siouxsie) always stood out for me as being wonderfully original and creative guitarists.

That said, I still enjoy Vai's first album Flex-Able, and I'll always love Eddie Van Halen - that first Van Halen album revolutionised heavy rock guitar.
Re: RE: Guitar players

nr73 said:
Floral Jem....I am jealous!! One of my all time favourites.

Still *THE* JEM for me... I like yours too, though, very much a mixture of my two - desert yellow, but rosewood and vine like the floral...

They're the ones with Wizard neck profiles, right?
Dr Rick said:
IanM here, who's seen me play many times and shared a stage more than a few, can testify that it, and I, do still reek of GIT-scented heavy rock :).

This is true, although I only think we've ever played one song together where you played guitar, (Atomic Playboys - Albrighton).

I must just mention that Rick was instrumental (pun intended, and he'll hate it) in actually getting me up on a stage to play with other humans. From a teenager until my mid-thirties I'd only ever been an off/on bedroom guitar player, but Rick and a handful of others helped me to play with and for other people.

It takes a lot of courage to get up on stage and play, yet alone play with other people. I would have poo'ed my self :icon_lol:

When I first started to play I was hiding in the bedroom, next door asked "ere have you got a guitar? We can hear you playing" and I thought...shit so much for being stealthy, but it turns out that they play guitar/sax.

Then a lady across the road had seen me with a guitar case, and she plays the guitar, and now I've found out that a chap the other side of me is in a band :huh: So there is no point in playing in the bedroom no more just play in the kitchen as they can all hear any way:dodgy:
Re: RE: Guitar players

IanM said:
This is true, although I only think we've ever played one song together where you played guitar, (Atomic Playboys - Albrighton).

And I cocked that one up... still feel bad about that.

Very tempted to post a video or two here if you don't object.
Dr Rick said:
IanM said:
This is true, although I only think we've ever played one song together where you played guitar, (Atomic Playboys - Albrighton).

And I cocked that one up... still feel bad about that.

Very tempted to post a video or two here if you don't object.

I didn't notice a cock up, but that said, I could only really hear the drums and my bass at the time.

If you want to pop some video up, you go for it.

Re: RE: Guitar players

IanM said:
I didn't notice a cock up, but that said, I could only really hear the drums and my bass at the time.

I'm still flattered that Steve picked me as his chosen Steve Stevens. I still feel guilty that I fell so far short! It's really not that hard a tune, but you wouldn't know that from my playing that day.
Both of these involve Ian and I, both are from a zero-rehearsal event - people decide in advance what they're playing with whom (often with people they've never met before), and turn up and do it on the night.

One from 2004 that I'm particularly fond of:


And one from 2010:


Ian is the modest chap with the bass. I'm the fat hairy showoff with the microphone.
isaiah53 said:
John said:
isaiah53 said:
freshman 400 electro/acoustic
american series fender strat

What do you think of the freshman ?I've got a FA300D :)

i think its an excellent guitar for the money. its still not cheap, but considering the tone woods used its very good value. sounds really nice and its very playable.
My feeling's are the same as yours, love my freshman well made,good tone woods, very playable, but as you say not cheep :)

sagesmith said:
Here's a little video my band made a year or two ago.

I'm the singer.
If there is any justice in this world.....stardom beckons :)
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