Giveaway/Freebie PAL Adjustable (ENDED )

Thanks mate. As long as it doesn't turn out be Slaughter Of The Day. I took to the GEM bladed SE's quickly but I've a feeling this is going to take a more cautious approach.
There is a current PAL Adjustable Pass Around Thread over on B & B at the moment...I would suggest that you read through it as I have posted the Correct Way to Use It & all the Intel you need to know about it..o_O

My Call sign is Scooby Doo over there..Incidentally there are at least 1 in 3 or maybe 1 in 2 that just cant get it together with the PAL Adjustable over there...Maybe they all Come from Banjo Player County..:eek:

Congratulations Gordy. Lovely razor in Looks, and also in use. Read Billy`s thread. Keep it simple is my advice, use a mid point setting, head against face , incline until you feel the bite, employ short strokes until you feel happy it is reducing stubble. Though I have a fairly heavy growth , I have found it much better for me on the milder settings.

So far with a Schick blade have managed to get 8 really good shaves,and feel that I could go for more. Good Luck !
Well thanks to Dick, it arrived today and I'm really taken by the look of it. I'll be getting some blades ordered, after I do a bit more research. Thanks for the advice from everyone and I can't thank Dick enough.
Well thanks to Dick, it arrived today and I'm really taken by the look of it. I'll be getting some blades ordered, after I do a bit more research. Thanks for the advice from everyone and I can't thank Dick enough.
You either use a Personna ,from Connaughts [ which I could not load with the dispenser ] or a Modern Schich . I have just
had 8 super shaves with the latter,which are available from USA ,via Amazon or E Bay Usa. I am awaiting arrival of E Bay order , which promises to cost less than Amazon.

If you are pushed I can send you some Schicks , provided you replace them when you get some. Just PM me.
Mike B
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