German Products


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
I am off to Germany on Friday so I will have a snoop around and see if there are any deals for you lot :hungrig

Keeps your eyes on the forum over the weekend and I will let you know what I find and gauge interest.
Make sure all is well with your camera.
My one and only visit to Germany was a tour of Cities to study their approach to pedestrianisation in the 70s. I bought a new camera and took loads of pics. When I got back, none came out due to a battery failure I had not noticed! Fortunately, I was not my team's official photographer.
i'm sure you'll get plenty of requests boab, probably for Irisch Moos, but if you can get a couple of Speick sticks cheap i'd be obliged, saves me buying 12 from ebay :roll:

don't mean to start a request list off :? :lol:
If you find a Parat (= German Rocket, but *NOT* a V2) then snap it up. Looks like a thinner version of the British-made HD, with TTO knob the same diameter as the handle.

Mine was £16 from Erwin and it's the best razor I've ever used, my favourite. I use others but that's the best.

Junk shops, flea markets etc. Oh and pick me up a spare while you're there!

Dear Boab,
If you find yourself buying any Irish Moss (Ich sprechen aber klein Deutch) would it be at all convenient to get a single stick for me? - quite like to try - much appreciated - thank you.
SirPrize said:
Dear Boab,
If you find yourself buying any Irish Moss (Ich spreken aber klein Deutch) would it be at all convenient to get a single stick for me? - quite like to try - much appreciated - thank you.

I concur with the learned Gentleman above, as I too would like to try said Moos.

Been to Berlin. Absolutely fantastic, the Germans were very friendly and hospitable. Upon arrival meine Frau went for a shower, I done the bloke thing, lay on the bed and put the TV on and done a bit of channel hopping. The last 2 were of an adult nature, actually they were bloody filthy. Lots of "Ja Hans, das is gut. ficken meine arsen" (or similiar!) I went up and down the channels a few times, stopping for longer periods at the adult channels,purely for cultural research you understand, eventually FWMBO, came out the shower, by this time I'm innocently watching German MTV. My liebe says " What you watching?" Me "Oh! German pop" Her "Any good?" Me "It's ok, mostly in English" Her, rather archly "Really?".Didn't think a thing. I troops into shower thinking what a great shower, wonder what this switch does? Radio comes on, Great says I, "La La" ;) etc,. Next thing "Oooh Ja, Ooooh Hans" Radio linked to TV Channels :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Never has let me forget it. Was only watching it for 40 mins or so too!
Hi Guys,

Are there any specific shops you go to in Germany? I live quite near Germany and have seen their shops like Schlecker and DM and some others but I can't remember that they had real special shaving stuff.


My man in Trier reliably informs me that both those shops have premises in his town. :hungrig
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