Garden Sheds

I'm now thinking about going the plastic route. I've heard that those steel ones are a bugger to erect. Not sure if B&Q provides a 'Kludgie' with each shed, so perhaps building my own is the only way to go!
antdad said:
That's a lot of soap or candles.

Not really, it wouldn't just be for storing soap, I need a hob, and ideally oven and fridge. Loads of storage space for litres/ kgs of oils and butters and bottles of essential oils, and paper and card and labels and jars and tins and big scales and small scales and soap cutter and big food mixer......and as much work top space as possible. Really, what I probably need is a small factory unit, but can't justify it at this stage. Would cost way more than I make at the soapy business.

Are we entering the realm of Planning Permission here?

This is why I fancy a Wendy House. No red tape!!
Hmmmm, yes, that's a possible problem. In an ideal world I'ld have the garage rebuilt, and all would be well. At the moment it has 3 walls and a roof that leaks like a seive, so it's not much good for anything. But the only builder I could find who would agree to do the job quoted £25,000!!!! So you can see the appeal of a garden shed.
Could you not bodge or even just insulate a shed yourself? I doubt its hard.
My idea when i might have been getting my own shed was to see what thin insulation i could get, and put as much in in the section against outer covering on the inside. Only put enough in so that its in the frame, then board over that.

Although im no builder or anything so could well be wrong.......
You would have to make sure it was all waterproof aswell.
That might be an idea; although would probably test my DIY skills to their limit or probably beyond. Unfortunately, HWMOM's DIY skills are even worse than my own, so not much hope of help from that quarter. I have looked at proper cabins before, but they cost an arm and a leg.
Rev-O said:
Top bloke chat though: no sex, no bravado, no macho, no posturing or power-games or proving youself. Just shaving and sheds. Love it.

Shaving + sheds = living the dream... I'm with you there Ollie