Gannet Alert! (testers please)

I simply told him that there'd be another soap out before too long - whether he'll be a successful gannet is another mater!
(must find out what his shifts are)

In any case this soap wasn't designed as a shaving soap - just that someone thought it worth hi-jacking his wife's bar - so I thought I'd find out what the experts' views are.
JohnnyO said:
Please tell me that you're not feeling sympathy for the Sunster Elaine ! Just, please do !

JohnnyO. :?

What yer trying to say JohnnyO, what are you infering ?

im a poor hard working man that tries to enjoy a nice shave where i can, the only Razor i have is a battered used 5th hand Gillette Tech with a 6 month old Lazer Blade in it, and i use that with a Palmolive Stick that someone PIF's me coz i couln't afford one.....

some people (JohhnyO) don't know how lucky they are :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol:

Steve, I am sorry to hear that you have come upon hard times. :lol:
If it helps any I could put you onto a guy who could let you have some gr8 Iridiums for not much more than 25 notes Steve. & I faithfully promise that you can have the first DE I find at a car boot & can't clean up.

(Well, I 'm too generous to him I know, but I'm a fool to myself & the guy's like a bro to me).

I have all the addresses now and have acquired some padded envelopes so I'll post them out tomorrow or Wednesday.

The Myrtle Stout soap will be a half bar (so that you have a useable soap for washing if, as I suspect, it's not best suited to shaving) and the Cwrw Du will be a small piece.

What?! How did I miss this? Did you all PM Briallen except me??
Arrowhead said:
Looks like it PC. Never mind, I'm sure someone will pass some on since you've expressed an interest

If Briallen hasn't sent mine, PC, you can have mine mate!
