Face Lathering

Can anyone recommend a good guide to face lathering? I have a bit of experience DE and SE shaving, but only just started face lathering (out of necessity my lather bowl cracked).
Drroly said:
Can anyone recommend a good guide to face lathering? I have a bit of experience DE and SE shaving, but only just started face lathering (out of necessity my lather bowl cracked).

Exact same happened to me for the same reasons. My advice make sure the brush isn't to wet so give it a good couple of flicks after a soaking. Do you use soap or cream? It can be a bit weird face lathering with cream but I really enjoy it.....so much so I want a chubby 2!
It's not hard at all. No guide is necessary if you know how to build a lather.

If you use too much water, you'll just fling water everywhere, no big deal. Wring it out more next time. Other than that, just build the lather like you would in a bowl, but on your face instead.
I face lather using hard soaps and creams, have done for years.
I keep looking at bowls but think that its just too much time and effort that way.

The only thing I would say is that a "scrubby" brush such as a badger or horse with a low set knot makes the whole job easier (IMHO). I have not tried a boar yet but keep meaning to.
The tutorial at the top of this forum is good. The tip of putting the cream into the middle of the knot was useful for me. If you use a soap just load up the brush the same as with bowl lathering then follow the guide from there.
Father Ted said:
I face lather using hard soaps and creams, have done for years.
I keep looking at bowls but think that its just too much time and effort that way.

The only thing I would say is that a "scrubby" brush such as a badger or horse with a low set knot makes the whole job easier (IMHO). I have not tried a boar yet but keep meaning to.

i agree.

when using creams add the usual amount to center of brush (wet brush first and damp face) then put to face and lather, dipping brush tips in sink then to face if you need to add more water
I find face lathering a lot easier than bowl lathering. It seems a lot easier to get the right consistency.

For me, soak the brush and swirl round the soap puck as you normally would, then straight onto a wet face. For creams shake the brush out and add a dollop of cream to the brush, then onto a wet face and away you go.

No bowl to clean either :D:D
Lose the beard said:
I find face lathering a lot easier than bowl lathering. It seems a lot easier to get the right consistency.

For me, soak the brush and swirl round the soap puck as you normally would, then straight onto a wet face. For creams shake the brush out and add a dollop of cream to the brush, then onto a wet face and away you go.

No bowl to clean either :D:D

You don't shake out or wring out the excess water?
I face lather all the time,useing one of Fido's Badger brush's,currently useing the 1901.amazing brush,useing soap's at the mo,
as above,let the brush soak whilst i ready my gear,i do fill the soap dish with hot water aswell,couple of shakes,swirl around the pot,after i empty the water out though,and good to go,as asharperrazor say's,you wil know if you got too much water on,it tend's to wander around all over the place,mirror,floor,you,,couple of goes and you will be spot on,
i always face lather.. i wet the brush under the shower head.. flick it out, swirl it once over the cream and then apply to face. This builds up a thick, dense, almost paste like feeling on the face. Then i add small amounts of water to this and it builds into a thick foam. Works a charm.
Another permanent face latherer here. I never knew about bowl lathering until i started DE shaving and joined here. I used to load a shaving brush on ordinary soap and lather my face directly. I did know about shaving soaps but not creams however I begrudged the money. I now realise how much better dedicated shaving soaps & creams are and how long they last but using a bowl would be just more mess to make for me. I soak a brush for a minute or two whilst drying myself post shower. A dryish brush without adding further water works best for the Ingrams cream I often use and just the occasional dip whilst building lather from MWF. An Omega boar brush eats soaps and they're surprisingly soft after just a few hand latherings to help get rid of the piggin' awful stink. Great for face lathering!
I always face lather. I soak brush in hot water for a minute or two wet the shave stick and rub it straight onto face then lather up.
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