Do I need another brush?

IanM said:
If I'm driving my car, I have a rule. If I think "do I need to turn my lights on" I turn my lights on. (I am aware that some cars have auto lights, but if you NEED auto lights you really should have your licence taken away).

If I'm going out and think "do I need a pee before I go" I go for a pee.

I'm going to have to disagree with your logic. Buying another brush is more like thinking "Do I need another car?" Your examples are binary options. Either the lights are on, or they aren't; either your bladder is full or it isn't. We can't buy more headlights or more bladder space.

If I bought a brush or razor every time I thought to myself, "Do I need this razor/brush" I'd be homeless! But I'd have a lot of nice razors!

In your case, I'd say yes, you need another brush. Since it doesn't dry out completely. I'm not sure if brushes can grow mold as we lather them up or whether staying damp can loosen the glue, but I'd play it safe and get another brush to make sure they're able to completely dry in between shaves.
asharperrazor said:
IanM said:
If I'm driving my car, I have a rule. If I think "do I need to turn my lights on" I turn my lights on. (I am aware that some cars have auto lights, but if you NEED auto lights you really should have your licence taken away).

If I'm going out and think "do I need a pee before I go" I go for a pee.

I'm going to have to disagree with your logic. Buying another brush is more like thinking "Do I need another car?" Your examples are binary options. Either the lights are on, or they aren't; either your bladder is full or it isn't. We can't buy more headlights or more bladder space.

well thats just not true your bladder can be full empty half full half empty or anything in between, your lights in your car can be on off sidelights or full beam so not very binary. thinking should I go for a slash before I go out does not mean you need a piss it might mean you have a long journey ahead and not be easy to stop for one so empty the tank before you leave.

and YES you need another brush
pedro083 said:
well thats just not true your bladder can be full empty half full half empty or anything in between

Depending on if you're a pessimist or an optimist.

You don't need another brush, you just want one. Leaving your brush damp it's going to make it fall to pieces in a few months, it'll probably last years. Even if it does shorten its lifespan, so what? Just gives you an excuse to buy another brush.
You don't need another brush and the one you have will likely last many years no matter what abuse you give it. It's nice to have more than one, (I have three which is very low by TSR standards) but you don't need another one if you don't want another one.

I suspect that your mind is made up anyway!
I am a newbie and I have loads of brushes.
Actually several of them are ones I got in gift sets over the years and would be better for cleaning with.
I have a Bodyshop synthetic that I have used for years. I also got a Wilkinson boar brush that I use occasionally.
I now use two brushes (not at the same time) - an inexpensive Jagger badger brush and a custom New Forest 1901 brush
Ok, thanks for you thoughts..i did get another brush today.....I didnt really like the thought of using a brush that hadn't dried out the next question is......Do I need a 3rd brush ?...haha, only joking.
Yellow Jim said:
pedro083 said:
well thats just not true your bladder can be full empty half full half empty or anything in between

Depending on if you're a pessimist or an optimist.

:icon_razz: I'm definitely a 'bladder half empty' person! Had to think about that. Would an optimist say empty or full when thinking about his bladder? I imagined being on a long car journey with miles to the next service station...
the only way i'm gonna get away with buying another brush is to convince my missus that i am conducting a survey to see which one 'pleasures' her the most ;)
singerman said:
the only way i'm gonna get away with buying another brush is to convince my missus that i am conducting a survey to see which one 'pleasures' her the most ;)

So, you'll be buying the best Silvertip badger brush on the market ... after all it IS for her and she deserves the best :)
I think the rule should be a one to one basis against razors. I'm just wondering if SWMBO would understand the ruling on only using a razor with its own brush.

I have managed to get away with pure for hard soap, best for soft soap and silver tip for cream. But I have to admit eyeing up a horse hair and a decent boar.
MisterG said:
singerman said:
the only way i'm gonna get away with buying another brush is to convince my missus that i am conducting a survey to see which one 'pleasures' her the most ;)

So, you'll be buying the best Silvertip badger brush on the market ... after all it IS for her and she deserves the best :)

sounds ticklish too lol :)
Who here hasn't eyed up a boar or two in their time...

The Omega #49 is ridiculous value, deals with hard soap like a champ and will lose its piggy stench pretty quickly ;)
Who was it put me onto the Turkish horse hair brushes for a quid or so? Johnus? Antdad? Buy two, you said - so I did. Anyway, they arrived this morning and very much looked the part but hey! a brush for a quid. Rinsed one of them, then lathered up with some zingy citrus Moma Bear's soap and my opinion of "cheap rubbish" didn't change until the lather slicked - at which point the brush transformed into a very good tool. Felt good on my skin, lathered evenly. I was amazed. Did it again - same result!

I have a La Vie horsehair on it's way, accompanied by a horsehair and badger so I have high hopes for them - but these Turkish quid brushes are going to take a bit of beating!

Tomorrow it will be Arko and a quid brush - in the meantime, anyone know how to get rid of the stable smell without damaging the brush?
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