cold water shaving

Tringo said:
Absolutely brilliant - the first time, as a new member, I contribute to the forum and reply to a post i am greeted by 'Bollocks' from a long standing member . .superb.

I'll say this only once.

You stated:

This basically says: I read a theory somewhere that states that a blade gets sharper when cooled. To which I responded that such a theory was bollocks. If you take that personally, fine, but it was aimed at the 'theory' only.

Some sympathy for Tringo here.

Having just joined another internet forum it can be a bit daunting and the banter and in-jokes and personalities were all lost on me.

I was actually accused of lying over my first post, but other members came in and soothed the troubled thread.

Stick around Trinny, you'll get used to us.

Guys, do give a newbie a break or we'll become a club for those already inside with doors firmly if inadvertently locked.

The banter *is* sharp - maybe more so since the weather's got colder.

I think that was just a statement of fact.

As a recent(ish) member here I can vouch for the fact that the natives are friendly and any bluntness is never meant with malice.

If you choose to leave its because you have taken a matter of fact comment in a way that it was not meant, but if you choose to stay you will find out what a useful resource of friendly gents this place is.

Personally I hope you stick around to see what its like but if you don't want to that's your choice.
On the issue of sensitivity & behaviors in forums: having joined recently here, and being a member/regular contributor for many years in a couple of other forums, I can say that almost every new member in any forum does not get accepted that easily, meaning that it does indeed take some time for all experienced members to get in tune with the point of view, style and quality of responses any new member has. In addition, it appears bashing is virtually non-existent here, something which is very good. We are a kind of small community in TSR anyway, members are willing to joyfully share knowledge and opinions and I believe this shows a lot. There is nothing wrong with any member (e.g. Henk) referring strictly to a 'theory' and commenting accordingly. A personally-directed comment is another story, but this was not the case here. Rev-O put it very nicely, any newcomer has to stick around if he loves the subject, eventually he should be able to get used to all other members, this is a fact.

On the issue of cold shaving: I personally don't do it, and have no intention going this path in the future. No issue with the temperature (I used to swim all year long when I was back home) but now I find no reason to put cold water over my face and shut the pores down before I shave. If I was living in Dubai or Singapore (quite possibly next expat-land for me, in a couple of years) then I might have decided to shave with ambient temperature tab water, but that's about as far as I would go.
The reason I posted this is I read a ton of post on B&B from a few people that had tried it and quite liked it and personally thought they'd got a better shave. They had quite a few responses similar to this one, i.e. sounds crap can't see it myself.

I'd rather try something out myself and then jump in with "bollocks" (tm Henk ) or "bloody lovely" everyone should do it.
So I gave it a go and result was "OK" not better not worse but worth a try. I often get suspicious when experts or experienced people say it can't be done when they haven't tried themselves. This was highlighted the other day when watching the "Marathon Man" program with Eddie Izzard. All the experts said he was mad and would never do it. I run ultra marathons myself and have to admit I though the same But the bloody minded bugger went out there and did it!

Just goes to show its worth giving it a try - it's not like running 40 marathons its only a bit of cold water
You know what the other shaving forums are like..."yeah great job, woo hoo....let's be Gentlemen. Bollocks, better grooming is about improving your chances of getting some tail (whether your in a monogamous relationship or not)

So lets not get all Emo about it, curt is good.
N_Architect said:
.... If I was living in Dubai or Singapore (quite possibly next expat-land for me, in a couple of years) then I might have decided to shave with ambient temperature tab water, but that's about as far as I would go.

Here, in summer, the water coming out of the 'cold' tap is warmer than that from the hot tap with the boiler on full blast back home. I for one would love to be able to try a lovely cool shave. Then again, I remember camping in Cornwall during April and having to break the ice in the washbasin. Think I'll stick with my lovely warm MWF lather, almost as good as the caress of a hot woman :twisted:

+1, stick around fella you will get used to them
henkverhaar said:

Is that a bona-fide scientific term Henk? I only ask because my friend Dave prefaces a lot of his comments to me with it, and he is very technical.

I once read a book (non-fiction) about a lot of itinerant carnival performers - 'carnies' - in the States. One was a female impersonator (steady Henk, I can sense an embrionic reply forming) who used to shave twice - once in warm water, then again in cold water, the idea being that the cold water made the bristles stand out a little bit more and gave a closer shave. I haven't tried it myself (impersonating females that is)...

Sure that's a bona fide scientific term. I think I even used it (or something very similar; mind you, just once) to express my feelings on a particularly dimwitted manuscript I was asked to review for a scientific journal :lol:

I think if you can get the skin to really show a cold reflex (you know, goose bumps, shivering, hairs standing on end), there just might something in it, although you'd also run a higher risk of cutting yourself.

But, I wasn't commenting on the pros and cons of cold shaving in general, although I would wager it doesn't make a difference, and it would certainly be less comfortable, but only on whether a razor will be sharper at 10 degrees than at 45 degrees.