Cold Blade Soaking

Might be late to the game, but I've only just come across the idea of soaking the razor and blade in cold water. Think the science is that hot water causes expansion so can adversely affect smoothness.

Not sure how much that really makes a difference, but the cold metal against my warm face does feel good.

Anyone else do this?
Errrrrr ...... What ?? :D
I shave in cold water, so the whole darn thing is cold; blade, razor, soap, brush-you name it. As far as I'm concerned, it makes no difference to the quality of the resulting shave. I'd like to say that the cold water treatment has made my ageing chops become as taut and chiselled as when I was 20-something, but the effect is more like 50-something. Certainly beneficial and toning, like cold showers year round, January bathing in the North Sea and other extreme stuff.
I shave in cold water, so the whole darn thing is cold; blade, razor, soap, brush-you name it. As far as I'm concerned, it makes no difference to the quality of the resulting shave. I'd like to say that the cold water treatment has made my ageing chops become as taut and chiselled as when I was 20-something, but the effect is more like 50-something. Certainly beneficial and toning, like cold showers year round, January bathing in the North Sea and other extreme stuff.
I'm with @Ferrum apart from the North Sea thing, that can fck right off! I'd need to drive a while to get there anyway!
I shave in cold water, so the whole darn thing is cold; blade, razor, soap, brush-you name it. As far as I'm concerned, it makes no difference to the quality of the resulting shave. I'd like to say that the cold water treatment has made my ageing chops become as taut and chiselled as when I was 20-something, but the effect is more like 50-something. Certainly beneficial and toning, like cold showers year round, January bathing in the North Sea and other extreme stuff.

Right with you on that one. Cold water shaving. Heavenly.

The cranks on you tube. I was only watching one the other day on how to remove your testicles with a razor blade. Gave it a miss. Much to the disappointment of my wife.
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