Choose my next blade for me!

^^ :lol:

And once you've tried a yellow 7 o'clock, be sure to get hold of some of the green 7 o'clock super stainless (The russian ones, as opposed to the Indian "Permasharp" greens), which IMO are even better.
I quite like the Super Stainless but they can leave my skin a bit rough sometimes. I think I read they were uncoated which might explain it (if it's correct)
Try all of 'em! They are all good blades, but only you can decide which suits your face best :) .

I think this an area where the often used term YMMV definitely applies. One of the great aspects of this hobby of ours is the elusive quest to find that perfect combination of razor/blade/soap/cream etc. When I started DE shaving I liked red Personnas. Then at the start of this year I decided to spend a couple of months limiting the other variables in order to try different blades and find my favourites. It's still an ongoing process but so far the blades that consistently work best for me are Tiger and Treet Platinum. I do like Feathers but they only really excel in my Slant - in my other razors they are just kind of average.

Enjoy the process (I certainly do), and when you find your perfect blade you'll probably end up wanting to stockpile them ;)

From my limited experience, I would recommend Asco Oranges, I have found them to be very smooth and give a great finish whist being very forgiving. HTH. :)
I think I'll give the Astra a whirl on the next shave - just had the fourth shave with the Derby and it's done its tour of duty and been retired from active service. :D
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