Chip in to buy some Schick Twin Injector Blades

Last night as I was setting out my shave gear ready for this morning, I decided on using a NOS bade. On searching through one of the piles, what did I find at the very bottom? - a pack of NOS Personna 74 Tungsten blades! They have been sitting there unremarked and unappreciated but now I know better! Looking forward to my shave even more. BTW, guess what - they fit all and any of my DE razors!!

I think thanks go to Mr_Smartepants for these blades but I'm not sure. It seems to be the only pack I own.
Well, I knew he would say that....He wont know cause he hasn't even thought about it before or after its development ...Just gives you an insight into what sort of designer you are dealing with....o_O

Hasn't a clue to say the least.....:D

What you saying here, Billly? He didn't knowingly design his razor to accept blades that are no longer available? That is a serious design flaw, I agree!

Am I about to get flamed because twin blades are still manufactured? Oower!
Maybe something to be said for for the Gem SE, which after all does fit a lot of razors !! I knew if I started on injectors It would be confusing, it seems that my thoughts confirmed.
However, keep it up Chaps, I do enjoy your Shaving experiences with the Injector Family.
Mike B
What you saying here, Billly? He didn't knowingly design his razor to accept blades that are no longer available? That is a serious design flaw, I agree!

Am I about to get flamed because twin blades are still manufactured? Oower!
That Schick designed the Golden 500 not to accept blades that weren't available yet - now that's a design flaw!
And yes, twin injector blades are still being made in Japan. :)
There's no need for confusion around injector blades guys. Personna blades from Connaught are great blades, fit all Schick and Pal injector razors and are cheap as chips when bought in bulk. Likewise the Chinese made Schick blades although they cost a bit more.

Getting into the vintage blades is all well and good for them's who's interested but current production blades are a great start point for anyone interested in trying these razors.

The simple no confusion approach for the newbie injector shaver....Buy an Injector razor, any injector razor, and Personna blades from Connaught...and shave.
There's no need for confusion around injector blades guys. Personna blades from Connaught are great blades, fit all Schick and Pal injector razors and are cheap as chips when bought in bulk. Likewise the Chinese made Schick blades although they cost a bit more.

Getting into the vintage blades is all well and good for them's who's interested but current production blades are a great start point for anyone interested in trying these razors.

The simple no confusion approach for the newbie injector shaver....Buy an Injector razor, any injector razor, and Personna blades from Connaught...and shave.
I personally don't like to use the Personna blades. While the blades give a decent shave, the plastic holder is so flimsy that it is impossible to inject blades into most injector heads (maybe I have a bad batch though). I have to transfer them one by one into an empty metal holder and then inject them. Of course you can use current production blades, but tracking down rarer blades is just too much fun.
What you saying here, Billly? He didn't knowingly design his razor to accept blades that are no longer available? That is a serious design flaw, I agree!

Am I about to get flamed because twin blades are still manufactured? Oower!
Well, when the designer was asked if his New Injector took Twin In
What you saying here, Billly? He didn't knowingly design his razor to accept blades that are no longer available? That is a serious design flaw, I agree!

Am I about to get flamed because twin blades are still manufactured? Oower!

Well the designer Patrick when asked if the New Injector took twin blades he said....."We have not personally tested the twinjector blades in the Single Edge, so we can't say for sure. But if they fit in a standard injector razor, they should fit in the Single Edge.".....:eek:

Well that's quite telling Sir...Because he obviously didn't consider it during his design probably because of his ignorance of there existence ....And to say...."if they fit in a standard injector razor, they should fit in the Single Edge." is also a strange thing for a razor designer to say because his Modern Design is anything but a standard injector due to its adjustable feature....He obviously doesn't have the background knowledge in injectors Sir....Plain as day....:rolleyes:

That's like a car designer not knowing if his car takes petrol or diesel ....:D

Current blades....

A cartridge of each on their way - thanks, guys. If it has a lever, not these and if it doesn't have a lever, not them.

I'm still looking for a partner for thirty blade where all this started.
The Kickstarter ....:rolleyes:
40 extra blades....Its an extra 40 inches of bicep you need to use it as its 142 Grams .....This razor is built with the current fascination with stainless razors in mind over and above performance for sure..o_O.

It should come with a set of Dumbbells and some Protein Powder Sir...:D

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I personally don't like to use the Personna blades. While the blades give a decent shave, the plastic holder is so flimsy that it is impossible to inject blades into most injector heads (maybe I have a bad batch though). I have to transfer them one by one into an empty metal holder and then inject them. Of course you can use current production blades, but tracking down rarer blades is just too much fun.
I have heard a lot being said regarding Personna Injector Magazines in Forums....I have never had a major problem with them...Some NOS blades come in plastic/metal injector magazines as well....The current Personna injector magazines are flimsier than Chinese Schick ones for sure and they sometimes can be a little off line, but I have never had to decant them or anything....o_O

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