Body Shop Brush

I had a quick look in the Body Shop this morning and had a gander at their brush ...

To me it looked like a smaller version of the Plisson synthetic knot-wise. I asked the SA if the brush had changed and she said it had and was pleased that I thought it had changed for the better. Still only £7.00 and I should have bought one but I was a bit concerned that it would outperform my others!

Anyone else encountered the change? Of course I and the SA could be completely wrong, but I recognized the fibre's kink. If it is an update I may buy a couple and invest in a more ergonomic bespoke handle. What would be the best way of getting the knot out?

I think a swift crack on the handle lengthways with a chisel would split is and reveal the knot. Otherwise, saw it off just under the knot and remove the ring gently with a Dremel, or similar.

You've got me wondering now ... perhaps I'll venture into town this afternoon.
I thought the fibres looked familiar. The knot seemed smaller than the Cade brush I had but that could be a plus. I'd be interested if anyone could compare it to the current L'Occitane brush ... I was thinking of buying another now the price has dropped significantly. But then why spend £35 when £7 does the job?

I've made an error. It appears that my first brush was, in fact, a Body Shop clipped boar.

No wonder the fibres feel different.

*feel a bit of a knob now, but it was my first brush, a fair while ago!*
Most of the reviews are 2013 and back, there's only one for this year. I remember looking at the brush last year and not thinking much of it, so I think there has been a change ... Of course I could be having another memory lapse. :icon_smile:

I await a L'Occitane comparison with bated breath. :angel:
Been messing around with the synth.

Proraso red
Boots tub
GFT limes cream
Reef point
Palmolive stick

Lathered all really well, impressed in fact. Going to use this brush exclusively for a week.
Ha! If you wait till next Friday I'll let you know how it compares against my other brushes. A couple of which cost well over 10 x the body shop one. (I'm a bit worried actually)
Used the synth with proraso red this morning.

I was using my straight so needed a good lather, I had absolutely no confidence and had my tubby 2 standing by.

Face lathered, an instant thick, slick lather. I was gutted. The brush felt softer on the face than badger, splayed ok and painted fine.

Held enough lather for 3 passes and a touch up. Migration to the handle was there but caused no problems.

Disappointed at how well it handled day 1. I WILL prove synths are naff.
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