Best and Worst DE Blade

Best & Most Enjoyed:

Treet 7 Days Platinum (11/10) ... as advertised, seven shaves of equal caibre, sharp and smooth
Treet Platinum (10/10) ... my "go to" blade which I find delivers absolutely consistent shaves in any razor across the life of the blade
PermaSharp Super (9/10) ... for when I want a seethingly sharp shave
Treet DuraSharp (Carbon) (9/10) ... smooooth carbon, which is just a lovely feeling for me and improve during use with some gentle hand stropping
Lord Classic (8.5/10) ... smooth and so very close with a certain je ne sait quoi which gives really consistent regrowth

Worst & Least Enjoyed:

EuroMax Platinum (0/10) ... absolutely my worst shave ever ... and I can shave with oven scrapers in a 1912! I couldn't go on for more than 3 or 4 strokes!
Derby Extra (1/10) ... I can just about cope with it being a single shave blade (for me), but regrowth was patchy and irritable
Personna Med/Lab (3/10) ... tuggy ... fine if I was unconscious being prepared for surgery or worse, in a morgue. Nah! Not for me.
Astra SP (4/10) ... I really have tried over and over, since these are given some real love by a lot of people. Again, not for me.
PolSilver Super Iridium (5/10) ... again, contentious. I just can't get a nice shave out of these ... and again, not for lack of trying. Every time disappoints as I find the shave irritable early on during the shave and regrowth to be itchy.
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I can't think of a blade that I can honestly say ‘Never again' about. Even the much derided Derby does the biz for me (maybe 3 shaves max). The Astra SP does fine in an assertive piece of cutlery. Polsilvers? fine too. Maybe the Personna ones are a bit tame.

My favourites though...Gillettes. Silver Blues, Nacets and Wilkies. I get on with the Med Preps too.
Not a great DE user these days, but my choice remains the same


Polsilver Lodz
7 O'Clocks
Feather (But only in certain razors)
Gillette Ruby's


Wilkinson Black box
Personna (any of them)
My best

Gillette silver blue
Astra Sp


Derby, couldn't get along with them , no matter what razor I used them in.
A revised account of blades used over the last year.

Gillette seven o"clock yellow,
GSB and Wilkinson sword (india) held in reserve

And holding top spot in the worst blade category is ....................... yep it's Derby
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Astra SP are my go-to blades, as they are both sharp and smooth. So much so i bought a big stock of them

Feathers next - but saved for when i have a few days growth

Have some Derby Extras left from when i started shaving - they are ok, but don't seem to be up to cutting through tough stuff - i put the UK supermarket own brand ("Made in Israel") very slightly ahead of Derby Extra. I think they are Personas from what i see on the internet.

Tried wilkinson Sword once and found them sharp, but aggressive - will revisit them now i am more experienced as i have a pack left

Tried a pack of Treet Trig but found them similar to Derbys / Personas and nothing remarkable for me.
I've set myself the task of an ‘SR only' year this year but my favourite DE blades by far are Astra SP- over the years I have made a couple of bulk purchases.

I also have used Gillette Silver Blues extensively and Feathers a fair amount and also like them both, but the Astra SP strikes a good balance of sharpness and smoothness for me.

Worst by far are Bolzano or Bic.
I'm sure i've answered this question before either on this or another forum. Times change and as new blades come onto the market you try them and decide the new ones are far superior to all that has gone before, definitely the best.The holy grail. Then after a lengthy while, while rummaging through your thousands of old blades you come across an old favourite blade and nostalgia kicks in, and before long you're lathered up and your razor of the day is loaded up ready. What transpires is you get the best shave you've had in months, and can't begin to comprehend why you ever bought those other blades in the first place . Everyone has a blade that suits them and their razor of choice, but asking most shavers to use just one blade, one razor, not a chance, .. Jeez , i only meant to say my No1 choice is Nacet.
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Surprised to see Feather taking a bit of a bashing amongst these assessments. I don't keep blades for long 2 or 3 shaves and their gone but even with that light use these are my highly biased choices. Theres so many variables twixt blade and razor.


Gillette Saloon

Not Good

Most complimentary blades Rockwell Et Al....

*I used these a lot but prices seemed a bit daft last time I Iooked around.

Feather are awesome, so much sharper than anything else. I really enjoy using them but that bit of extra sharpness results in a bit more redness than I like in the one sensitive part of my neck. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't use anything else as I love the cutting power. As it is, I use Nacets.

Top class blades for me are
1. Dorco Prime and the Bruce Lee Blades for the cool factor, com on it's Bruce lee what is not to love and makes me speak wise sayings after every shave.
2. Kai Blade, it's the blade that's as sharp as a feather but stays sharp much much longer.
3. Gillette black pack winners, lovely blades.

Worst blades to date.
in reverse order
3. Super X promised so much but under delivered.
2. Shark blades, I don't like them in any coating.
3 The red box Tiger blades, come on guys this thing has to be the worst of the very worst and I mean very worst on anyone's list that has had the misfortune of trying to shave with this old rusty bean tin lid! If there are any fans I would love to hear your view on them.
Just look at the P@~d off look even the Tiger on the box has because he probably brought 100 of them cheap of T-bay and realised he was duped.
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The Tiger blade above isn't supposed to be used for shaving one's face, but for tailors to cut thread and so on. I read somewhere the first blade the Czech factory produced after Gillette sold it which was suitable for shaving one's face was the Tiger Platinum.