Autumn Scents

Really? I sold my Eucris on, the good lady said I should be acting more like 007 instead of smelling like it so I gave her a slap and picked somebody up at the local casino.
All this talk. I'm getting a Jermyn Street urge again. But how would one go about testing a decent range of balms and colognes? A few sniffs here and there , break for a stroll and coffee then another go. Sounds good to me, so I'll be off soon to sort out my autumn scents....

Maybe someone could do a blog .........

Sounds good to me. In fact, next week I'm off to the 'big smoke' for 3 days and I plan on doing something very similar one day.

For Autumn scents, I've decided that I'm going Sandalwood this year. I have some TOBS sandalwood, but will be getting the D R Harris one next week.

I had a sniff of some C&E Sandalwood soap, last week in Morpeth, and I thought it was absolutely glorious. A birthday present suggestion in the Autumn I think.
Bond was a Floris man true .. However, the misuses thinks i smell like bond as Eucris is a very masculine, earthy - 'powerful' (as she puts it) scent.
She was unaware it was tenuously linked to him until i mentioned it later.

Eucris is old world - class in a bottle if you ask me.
Twas Mtr. Fleming himself who used Eucris hair oil, whilst for a cologne he went for Floris No 89. He actually wrote a note complaining that it had been drawn to his attention that his creation, the fictional Bond, was mentioned in a review as wearing Eucryl on his hair. This being a powdered tooth powder Mr. Fleming pointed out that he, Fleming, used Eucris from Geo Trumper, whilst Bond wore nothing, and most certainly not tooth powder. The note was , I believe, written to the editor of the Sunday Times in 1963 & in it Mr. Fleming also drew attention to a misprint regarding the ski bindings worn by his fictional hero .

None of which alters the rather attractive scent of Trumper's Eucris, which is indeed my idea of "earthy & mysterious".

JohnnyO. (Collector of arcane snippets of info which are inter related only by their absolute absence of any useful application whatsoever).