ASB? Pif or buy

Anyone got a aftershave balm I can try for sensitive skin, will buy if you want to sell,

Tried Prof Blights, and Nivia and both make my face feel warm after and hurts a bit, so want to try something new.
I have kept some empty sample pots from a Trumplers sampler. I can sterilise them and pop some of the following in to them if it helps you. I am not too sure if they are much good for Sensitive Skin but may be worth a try.

Boots Freshwood ASB
Body Shop Maca Root
Real Shaving Company ASB

PM me your add if you want some and I will post for you on Saturday.
Sorry for you man, if all these make your skin feel irritated I guess a plain white yoghurt would be your only hope... :(
...and I thought I have a sensitive skin... :ugeek:
Nivea cream, best thing going for a sore fizzer, yup! the old school stuff.

I had the same problem when I first started De shaving. I tried balms but they made my skin red and blotchy and hot as you described. On advice here I tried aftershaves which stung like hell but after 4 or 5 days my skin had cleared up and was prob in the best condition it had ever been in since I started dragging a cartridge over it nearly 30 years ago. I believe that whatever we do to our faces the hair / skin takes a bit of getting used to. If we keep chopping and changing we'll never get there. Otherwise stop aplying anything to your face and just gently shave for a few days then reintroduce whatever you use one product at a time to try and find what it is that irritates you. I was quite bad for the "more must be better" school of thought when I started. I identified alum as my main culprit so don't use it now.

I recently recieved a sample from Maguires Barbershop of 3P Pre / Post balm. I had used Proraso pre / post before and didn't rate it so wasn't expecting much from this. I tried it as a last resort after a dreadful straight shave. It was fantastic. Sufficiently cooling and soothing and very quickly took the warm, tight feeling away. I've used it a few times since as a balm on it's own and still find it good. The 3P isn't gritty like the proraso was.

Hope this helps!
Hi, I understand you have sensitive skin and would like to offer you advice, and maybe you could try something different, the product I have in mind is Bee Propolis, I myself use this as a balm it's totally natural and also as a wonderful smell, it's known to be very cooling soothing and as a natural healing property,Even people who suffer from eczema use it, so you cannot get more sensitive than that, I like to think you wont be dissapointed, here's a link to where you can buy this product, if you get some please let me know how you get on with it. PS this is a two bottle set you can buy a 125 ml bottle for about £12.

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Regards Jamie.
Anyone got a aftershave balm I can try for sensitive skin, will buy if you want to sell,

Tried Prof Blights, and Nivia and both make my face feel warm after and hurts a bit, so want to try something new.

Hi cozzyb I got the same problem as you mate, Blightys yellow unction blew my face off, 3p does same, home bargains cheapo does, Nivea sensative skin ASB too, plus several others I have tried along the way. Only thing that I have found is E45, just thinly applied to a damp face after shaving. I have had a sample of Blightys unction without any essencial oils added and that was ok. I do now stay clear of any products with menthol and/or Eucalyptus in their contents, these are added, I think, to make your skin feel cool and fresh but they do just make mine flare up badly.
As one of the other posters have just said, I would also recommend that you perhaps give your skin a break from any aftershave treatments for a few days to let it settle down, shave-cold splash-towel pat dry.
Are you shaving ok? is your skin ok with the cream /soap that you are using? and do resist the temptation of passing the blade over too many times, the mach3 finish is nice can leave your skin raw if you are struggling with a DE.
I have just started (week or so) shaving with cold water, yeah I know sounds really inviting first thing in a morning, and my skin hasnt been as bad as it was using hot water, I also avoid shaving straight out of the shower, again I let my skin cool down before my shave.
Dont know if any of that helps but I can tell you not to give up, there will be something out there thats good on your face, its taken me several months of trial and error but I think Im getting there, I think !
Yellow Jim said:
Try Bulldog balm available from most supermarkets, Boots etc for a couple of quid. It's one of the few balms that I get on with okay.

Sainsburys occasionally have this on offer.
It's fine on my delicate skin.

I also get on OK with Musgo Real and l'Occitane Cade but wasn't overly keen on Nivea either...
Just tried Real Shaving Co, worked fine, no reaction :D , so might have to buy up home bargains supply while it is still in the country.
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