Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around? ###COMPLETED####

RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

The ARC came out about the same time as the DLC. Afraid I don't remember what ARC stands for but it is a pale grey coating. Why it doesn't enjoy the same popularity and high prices as a DLC is beyond me - unless not so many were sold when it was in production so not so many folk have experienced it. A truly lovely shave! Even more like hen's teeth than the DLC in that I've not seen one for sale since whenever - and you've not even heard of them before.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Thanks for the info, love my Shiny. I find it the same shave as Merkur 3 piece and my Barberpole, but the stainless engineering is lovely.

I alternate mine between Bulldog, Classic, Wave and UFO handles. Always close, smooth and comfortable.

A DLC may be on the wish list very soon, why? I don't know!

Thanks for the reply....
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

I'll go with you on your choice of razors - I have an original and a gold-plated Merkur 3-piece and Barberpoles by whomever makes them, albeit some needed a Merkur head fitting.

So you have one Weber head and four handles for it? I tried to do that but it was beyond me - my disorder kicked in big time and anywas, what if the ship (which I haven't been in for thirty-odd years) were to roll? However, I encourage you to keep it up, at least until I have bought my next DLC and whatever else turns up. ARCs need a cintered handle to look their best so should one be offered ........ I'd buy it in a flash!
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Hi lads, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Weber and it's now all packaged up and ready to go to the next person on the list. I believe it's Mr_Smartepants. I'll send him a PM for his address.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

I have handles and heads, I mix them up and choose a head, then a handle and shave away.

I gues you pair handle and head up then leave it at that?

I like the look of the DLC, I see Muhle jumped on that particular bandwagon.

Unfortunately I couldn't get a shave from an 89' head no matter what I tried, a bit like the Tech head and the AS-D1 Feather.

I think medium to aggressive heads are for me, fancy an ATT razor in the future, but Merkur geometry (and therefore Webber) is my current goto.....

RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

MrK1 said:
Almost forgot about this.

Can I be added to the list please?

If you send your address to MachM fast enough I guess you can!

Hairsuite said:
I gues you pair handle and head up then leave it at that?

Pretty much I do, which is not to say I don't or can't swap them around a bit for a shave - but they return to their pairing and to their place on the shelves. I like order from which I can create chaos and then return - rule for my life really.

When Carmen dusts the shelves and musses up the order, I'm ill tempered until I've sorted it again - not necessarily to how it was when she started cleaning but a new order, based on the old, that satisfies my sense of ??????. Security?

She is currently banned from cleaning those shelves, but little by little, starting at the unoccupied front edges, she'll be at it again, the full sanitisation.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

I have a collection of razors, some heads and various handles. I do swap them about. Most are kept in a large (2 metre tall) bathroom cabinet, into which the boss is not allowed!
We are fortunate enough to have two bathrooms, the boss does not enter mine without an invite!

Even with such a cabinet, I still have a 5 drawer chest full of bits and pieces collected and bought.

The boss does own a vintage Lady Gillette, Bodger handle re-knotted with a TGN Best knot and uses Rapira pink and blue blades.

She also has three or four creams, bought and Pif'd by friends from the forum. I got twitchy the first time she used the word "Rotation" :0
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

I'm all about efficiency. I have 3 heads (EJ DE89, iKon OSS, Gillette NEW SC) and 3 handles (EJ lined, iKon, and Templ8 custom). I don't use the EJ handle (stays in the box) and use the ikon handle almost exclusively. I think ideally I would have one handle that fits all the heads.