Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around? ###COMPLETED####

A certain gentleman of high moral standing has shaved several times with the Weber Shiny head so generously donated by Ed Weber - but it is not for him, it seems. Hard to believe but apparently true! So - what to do with the head?

How many non-Weber owner/shavers would be interested in having a few shaves with this head and then passi g it on? Several pass-arounds are currently running but I think they are alll for complete razors - perhaps with a Stahly exception. By the by - how many of us are interested in a Weber head pass around?

You would receive the head, fit it to one of your own handles and after a few shaves, pass on the head to the next on the list.

The head is currently in the US so I'm interested in hearing from American members as well as European. We'll sort out how to get the head to UK later - probably mail it to me in case there are HMRC charges. All you would pay is the cost on onward postage - a quid within UK.

If you are interested, please post your name here and we'll get a list sorted out. US members first and then from this side.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

I would love to have a try. I've been contemplating buying my own in the future but this allows me to "try before I buy".
I have a US mailing address (APO) but reside in the UK so I guess I have the ideal situation for when this head decides to hop the pond.
I also have my shiny new SS handle created by user templ8 which should work nicely with this head.
I'm in!
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

press said:
Over priced crap pass a 34c round instead

So is that a "Please include my name on the list"? You guys are so subtle it's hard to figure sometimes.

Tall_Paul said:
For chrissakes can someone get dodgy involved in this?

I yam smack dab in the middle of things, thank you very much.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

One American and four European so far.

Sounds like a very good offer, Mr_Smartepants! Uncle Sam flies your stuff in direct, I take it?

Any more for the joy ride?
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Bechet45 said:
Sounds like a very good offer, Mr_Smartepants! Uncle Sam flies your stuff in direct, I take it?
Yup. The USPS hands it over to military post in New York/New Jersey and flies it here on the next available flight. Sometimes mail goes by boat, that usually takes a month.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Sorry, I may be a bit late on this.
I've actually got a spare Weber Bulldog handle I'd be willing to donate so you can have a complete razor to pass around.
Just need to send it wherever the head is so they can be married up... might be easier to marry up when the razor is in the UK... but I'm happy to send it anywhere

If you're interested, let me know
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?


So is this head a currently made one, or at least sometimes made? Anything special about the metals used? Y'all who know.....does this head shave the same as those other Webers pretty much?

Thanks for any replies.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Bechet45 said:
You would receive the head, fit it to one of your own handles and after a few shaves, pass on the head to the next on the list.

WiffWaff said:
I've actually got a spare Weber Bulldog handle I'd be willing to donate so you can have a complete razor to pass around.
No need. I think all of us have a spare handle to use anyway. Mailing only the head keeps the postage to a minimum too. Besides, use of your own handle was a "pre-existing condition" in the first post.
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