Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around? ###COMPLETED####

RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Yeah, the big problem is with this split up having just happened its left me with bills to pay on my own that I was expecting to only pay half of and as I'm too ill to work that leaves me wtih nothing left to even afford that this side of xmas.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Hi mikebrownington, afraid I'm going to have tio reply as I did to bigfatblloke - please don't take offense but we need to know you better before entrusting you with expensive kit.. Please ask again in a while, after you have established your credentials.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Hi chaps, just to let you know that the Weber head arrived safely in the post today. All loaded up and ready to go for tomorrow's shave. Cheers for letting me join in.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

I was just wondering if anyone would be able to lend me a handle to have a go with the Shiny head, I've read that much good stuff about Weber recently that along with a Neep Dreadnaught I have an entire family of monkeys on my back at the moment.
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Bechet45 – thank you for this opportunity to try out a Weber. I've been interested in Webers since reading about the DLC and ARC heads but enough people complained about the quality and the reports that Ed Weber only considered flaws that affected the shave as issues and not cosmetic ones put me off ever taking the plunge and buying one.

I was impressed with the finish of the head and with a Bulldog handle its very “chunky” and solid feeling. I was surprised at the amount of blade exposure – more than I was expecting but well controlled and even. I often find that first impressions of a razor are inaccurate (probably because it takes a while to learn) so I reserve judgment for at least 5 shaves, and with this razor I indulged myself and took 7, using 4 or 5 different blades and then I revert back to my standard razor to sanity check my judgement.

For some reason I was expecting this razor to be milder than this. I suppose forum statements like “smooth but efficient” had led me to think it was mild. I would position this as a bit more aggressive than the current iKon open comb; about 5 on my Progress; but less aggressive than an iKon Standard and far less than a R41. However, “smooth but efficient” is exactly what this razor is for me. To achieve a BBS I still needed to go ATG but doing so left me smooth for a good 8 hours! There were times and places where I ended up with a little irritation (top lip and either side of the mouth, mostly) and some small nicks which I never get with the iKon but (that's) just down to experience with each razor as by the 6th and 7th shaves I was fine.

This is a great razor; I already have two great razors (one of which is an expensive stainless steel one and the other is being “digressed”) so I have zero NEED for a Weber polished and I have a handle so I don't want to buy the whole razor but if a head become available I might consider it if I had the cash spare. I'm amazed that so few TSR members are interested in this pass-around as this is well worth trying and I can understand why some members recommend this so highly.

RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Mr Bechet, if it helps I will vouch for Mike....... He has been first rate with me and has offered all manner of freebies, following his foreign holidays.....
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

p.b said:
I'm amazed that so few TSR members are interested in this pass-around as this is well worth trying and I can understand why some members recommend this so highly.


I can only assume it is due to nearly everybody already owning one - or several. Glad you enjoyed it, anyway. I rate them very highly, top notch.

Hairsuite said:
Mr Bechet, if it helps I will vouch for Mike.......

If that means you will act as guarantor ........ head replacement in event of mishaps?

I'm lost - what does the list look like now. Is there a list or are we done to date?
Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

Hairsuite said:
Mr Bechet, if it helps I will vouch for Mike.......

If that means you will act as guarantor ........ head replacement in event of mishaps?

I'm lost - what does the list look like now. Is there a list or are we done to date?

Good morning fellas, another member is going to lend me his to try so that'll likely be another few £ spent [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
I'll still be holding Mr Bechet responsible for the enabling though...
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

mikebrownington said:
I'll still be holding Mr Bechet responsible for the enabling though...

Very broad shoulders! So you are sorted then Mike. Good. But beware - I have seven Webers - an ARC as bought, a DLC as bought, a Shiny as bought then another DLC on a bronze UFO and three more Shinies on artisan handles and a Sabi. All different shaves, albeit within a close range and each satisfies a different mood. WAD is just as grippinng as the other ADs!

p.b said:
I think MachM was the last on the list.

So MachM is going to return it to Mr_Smartepants?
RE: Appetite for Weber Shiny Pass Around?

I wonder if someone (Bechet?) could explain to me what an ARC Webber is?

I am aware of the black Diamond like Coating, and I own a shiny, but I am not sure of the ARC.

I know the DLC are to much for my budget, and the shiny is one of my favourite shaves, but the ARC????
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