Anyone reconsidering use of Alum? What other options?

Once again I have read about the risks of aluminium, particularly in deodorant, and it has got me thinking about my use of Alum (Osma Alum Block).

I know the risks are not clearly known and "under arm" use is the highest potential risk, but rubbing over face and neck may not be the best idea?

Sadly, it has become part of my ritual, it brings a very refreshing zing to the process and works wonders for small cuts.

So is there another product without aluminium, that I could swap to, a lotion, or tonic that could provide zing, antiseptic, and styptic properties?
Best regards,
I have discarded daily use just because of those risks. Better save than sorry. I'll not stand 80 years old with dementia thinking "I wonder if I'd be healthy if I haven't used alum daily".

I now use it only on bad spots, eg. a zit torn off or a small cut etc. I double-used it as a deodorant also, but no longer.

I'm so anal about it I check all products used on a daily basis for alum/aluminium-traces.
Deodorants often contain aluminum chlorohydrate. This is not the same as aluminum chloride which is a neuotoxin.
Despite lot of research no link between aluminium chlorohydrate and Alzheimers has be established.
Feel free to avoid it anyway.
Alum is normally potassium alum, which is harmless. It's even used in food. Just because there are a few atoms of aluminium in this salt, doesn't mean it's toxic.
Sodium and chlorine are both highly toxic, yet most people use sodium chloride (table salt) daily without being poisoned.
If my brain goes funny in old age, I'll blame it on beer and wine, not shaving. If I remember. :rolleyes:
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