Anyone any experience of CJB Kamisori razors?

Yes, you can buy them seperate.

I have seen them but cant remember where, ill have a dig around and see if i can find the link


just a thought- I am a DE saver, but I wouldn't mind trying a straight. What puts me off is the honing and stropping with a conventional design of straight. These CJB's seem ideal for me.

Would you consider starting a PIF with one, so guys like me can see if it would suit? If it did I for one would buy one from you- but I really want to try one out 1st!
mark how about starting a passaround like mikeal did.

the reciver pays postage to next inc cost of 1 blade.

that would cost 4/5 ish at most and if they decide they want one they can buy one off you

not much to lose really
The problem at the moment is they are going out quicker than I am getting them in.

Got another batch coming in the next day or 2 and they are already sold and ordered another lot this morning and only got 2 of those left with an expresion of interest on those too.
Re: RE: Anyone any experience of CJB Kamisori razors?

order a lot larger batch then
money too tight at the moment, misses had to have a hysterectomy 3 weeks ago due to cancerous cells. As she worked 2 part time jobs and i earn over the threshold limit she wont get any sick pay, so she wont have any income for 8 - 12 weeks until she has fully recovered so pretty skint at the moment
Just to go a wee bit off topic.
My wife was diagnosed with cervical cancer coming up three years ago, it had progressed enough and was in a position that made fast spread a likely outcome. She ended up having to have a radical hysterectomy and took her a good year to recover. She still has some bother now and then which I don't really need or want to discuss here, but thankfully the cancer hasn't returned. Fortunately we already had two wonderful kids and had decided we didn't want any more. I type this in here to let you know, as when we spoke to more and more people we found so many with similar stories that had got through it all just fine, it helped put the mind at ease hearing other peoples stories. One other really good outcome was it made so many of her friends and family go for their tests, some of which hadn't been for years. It can't be a pleasant experience having that done but it saves lives
I hope she makes a speedy and full recovery.
(if you find this post inappropriate just let me know and I shall delete it)
she's on the mend slowly, found some shadows on her bladder during the operation but told her it may just be scarring so waiting on the biopsy results of that with fingers crossed.

got 2 batches of these arriving - first one due the next day or two are all sold.

2nd batch due early next week has 1 razor left without a good home, so if anyone on here wants one get in quick before it sells on ebay - currently 19 watchers of the auction!