Alternate Razor plating thread?

Friday October 15, 2010
What happened to the thread re the alternate Razor plating chap?

Last I saw of it, someone had some quality issues, then poof, it was gone.
BlkKnight said:
What happened to the thread re the alternate Razor plating chap?

Last I saw of it, someone had some quality issues, then poof, it was gone.

a few guys had some quality problems, and the plater seemed to not respond to the issues i thought better to remove it.

if you want the details i can still PM it to you ?
Not sure who's bright idea it was to delete the thread - surely it'd have better to leave it up as public information
BlkKnight said:
Not sure who's bright idea it was to delete the thread - surely it'd have better to leave it up as public information

It was my bright idea !

i was getting PM's from members with problems with razors they had done, i dont want to be a go between with the plater and his customers so rather than get more problems as i recommended his services at first, i decided to delete MY post...

there were issues with the quality of the plating on certain types of razors, and a lack of understanding on how to remove lacquer etc before plating.

I see.

I'd have probably just removed/edited my posts - rather than deleting the entire thread. Some people (my self included) were going send him some stuff to get plated - and without the warning from the thread would have done so.

As it happens, he's unable to plate silver - so my bits didn't get sent.
If you want to see what happened to my bits then your more than welcome to send me a PM. I'm not the type of guy who likes to say bad things about people.

Now there with Dave to get done correctly.

Steve, you did the right thing on removing it, I would have done exactly the same.
Dipesh; would appreciate it if you could show some before and after pictures when they come back. I have an old '04 silver that I was thinking about having replated.

First of all, let me assure anyone reading this that it's not a slam or attack of any kind .....seriously. I'd just like to explain my thoughts in general terms about threads being deleted. No offense at all meant towards you Steve....ok?

Making posts go away can be a good thing, but sometimes I find they're better off being left there for others to read. In this case, I totally agree with what BK said on that subject. Having some sorta past history record to point to is very handy for finding info like how a vendor's work stacks up. It's nice (and easy) to just point to an old thread when someone asks about that subject in the future. If there's no written record, then the 'history' can easily become blurred or skewed in some way. One important thing to see is how everything turns out, like if the situation is resolved ok or not.

Believe me, I know that threads can sometimes get outta hand and feelings can rise. Lots of times it's easy to see the way those are going (towards deletion), but there's another solution available before it self destructs. Just lock the thread....done deal. If a member can't do that himself, he could ask a mod to handle the request.

I swear to God, that particular vendor has a charmed shaving forum life. This is two deleted threads I'm aware of that could be helpful to some members in making a decision on what to do. Turns out he did refund the price on that item in question, so there's something good to say. There's also other stuff not so good that's missing as well. Steve, how did your deal finally turn out?

Ok, I should just end this now. Deleting posts is a sore spot for me and I can get carried away. You gentle members here wouldn't know this about me, but I've had countless posts deleted because of being involved in some nasty flame wars on other forums (shaving and non shaving). Yeah, what I posted was justified and in context and correct, but I didn't say those things in a pleasant way. Hah, I can't direct you to those because they all went Poof! Too bad, it was some fun reading.

Ok......enough. I like all you guys and everyone has their own way of doing things.


Dipesh said:
If you want to see what happened to my bits then your more than welcome to send me a PM. I'm not the type of guy who likes to say bad things about people.

Now there with Dave to get done correctly.

What's doin buddy,

You sorta know me a little bit by now, and I'm with you. I hate posting bad stuff about people, although sometimes it's necessary. The problem with forums like TSR is we all take people to be honest and up front about themselves. Sometimes that is just not the case, and it can take a long time for the problem to surface. Might be a member not sending something out and just taking the cash, or it might be someone offering a service that's just not a good value.

To me, it's times like that when typing something negative is a help, rather than a distraction or attack. I would MUCH rather post something positive, but have no problem being very blunt to someone if it's justified.

I'd be ever so scared to see photos of Dipesh bits ................ I believe he's performing a public service by letting us see the photos privately !

JohnnyO. \:angel:
I see what your saying Dodgy, but I feel bad posting it because at the end of the day, it's what he does for a living.

By saying that, he did mess my razor bits up and my loyalties should lie with TSR members.

Let me have a think and maybe I may well post something up.

If you really want to know then I don't mind sending the pics via Email.

I wish I had taken a few snaps before I sent them over to him in the first place!

Believe me Dipesh, I feel exactly the same as you do about disrupting someone's way of making money. The thing is, sometimes that method really isn't a fair one, and that's where the dilemma comes in to say something.

Here's two examples: Forum member posts about anyone else having a problem with a certain member regarding getting their stuff. Does it very gentlemanly and without accusation...he's just concerned about the lack of items or maybe the communications with the seller.

I've seen that happen more than once, and suddenly everyone starts posting their own issues with that seller. Without someone finally mentioning the problem in the forum, it went on for far too long and it was sorta ugly.

Second example would be a vendor who offered services or goods that some people had problems with. Maybe someone wants something and asks the forum if a particular vendor is good to go with, then what's the next step? Hah, it's one of them things you gotta wrestle with.

The main benefit about posting reviews is the members get to see a sorta pattern that follows. They see which vendors have the most or least amount of issues, and what those issues mighta been about. The idea of a review is to speak from first hand knowledge about the experience of whatever it is. You had a good trade, then post that if you like. There's a guy who's stiffing you somehow and has been for weeks, then mention that as well.

I know it's very uncomfortable to post in a negative way, and it's certainly not for everyone. Truthfully, the problem most people have is they're just too nice. I don't mean that as a negative, but only it can prevent the potential for possibly hurting someone's feelings or business.

It's a tough choice that luckily hardly ever shows up here.


Heh, I musta forgot which forum I was in. This is the place where everyone works on the gentleman image thingy, so you guys should have an easy time of posting something unpleasant in a non negative way.

Something like:

"I apologise in advance for something that's probably not an issue, but I was wondering if any other members have had a problem with (pick one for yourself)."'s that sound? Polite and non threatening, but it puts things out there in the forum.

If a vendor screws up, maybe just something like "In my case I was a bit unhappy with what was provided", and just leave it at that.

Ok, I will stop now. All you gotta do is ask yourself "What would Sir Benny do?"
Ok, I will stop now. All you gotta do is ask yourself "What would Sir Benny do?"

Run around tress being chased by scantily clad ladies.............:icon_razz::icon_razz: