Aftershave products - Do you really need them?

I just knew we could rely on PCat for good advice about what every man truly wants ............. Slow release.

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JohnnyO. \:angel:
For years it was just cold water for me, which worked just fine. So I'm with the people who use aftershave because they like it, rather than need it. If we get another perishing cold winter the Nivea balm might just come in, but it's not something I even consider normally.
I am like most on here, I used to just rinse with cold water for years. I use aftershaves because I like it and it leaves my skin feeling refreshed. In fact I feel naked without it as it is part of my daily regime. I have not gone too mad on aftershaves ............yet I only have about 7 or so and still looking to try more...........I feel another AD coming on LOL
Interesting thread.

Throughout a typical year, I can go from using some of the heaviest balms (Cade, for instance) to nothing at all.

I have what is classified as combination skin, where the the centre of the face is quite oily, and as you work your way outwards towards the ears it is much drier.

This can cause an issue, as I like too keep the outer areas moisturised and non-flakey, but this can make the centre, or T-zone too oily.

Also, the whole winter/summer thing comes into play. I can get away without a balm in the summer, but in winter, as the cold sucks all the moisture out of the air and the central heating comes on, I need something to stop my face feeling tight and dry.

I never really have any irritation issues, it's all down to my skin being moisturised enough so my skin is slack enough to allow me to smile.

i have an unfortunate combination:

-fair sensitive skin
-thick dark stubble
-combination, blemish prone skin

so i have to come up with all kinds of combinations, most of which involve me adjusting for my skins oil content throughout the day

after i shave/wash, i need to moisturise, as it makes my forehead and upper nose quite dry and tight. But within a few hours the oil buildup means my lower nose and forehead are by now oily and shiny. So I find a witch hazel splash or a quick splash of some nice high alcohol content aftershave later in the day, cuts through the oil and de-greases my skin, leaving me feeling soft, smooth and dry again.

switching to DE shaving has stopped my skins over sensitivity from being too much of an issue, and nowadays with careful shaving (no ATG passes) i can use an aftershave splash with only a little sting, and i do this and allow it to dry well before applying a moisturiser. The aftershave closing up the pores and the moisturiser taking care of any left over dryness.
Before I started using a DE I'd only ever used balms. I've since found that they weren't really the best option for me. Splashes work much better. I wonder if I gave cartridges another shot and did away with the balms then I'd have better results. The last week or so I've been giving alum another go (having previously discounted it) and have found it's working pretty well so far.
For me this shaving lark includes a bit of pampering which the balm, aftershaves etc provide. Its also about the prep. Its not just the shave that makes for a pleasant experience..
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