Acquisitions wc Mon 14th - Sun 20th incl.

Just qualifying for this week but today (Sat 19th) I got an Old Spice shaving mug in a charity shop for £1.50

It's the "EARLY GLASS MUG 05 late 1950s-1960" according the fantastically anal <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

Honestly some people's hobbies should be left off the internet!

:? :shock:
Thanks for the reminder Jeltz ref. the Blue Stratos! I used it when it first came out many years ago, and remembered that I liked it. Thanks also to shrink who supplied the link to chemistdirect. I ordered both AS and Deodorant spray which made sense, given the rather unnecessary postal charges by this supplier,(standard 1st class would have been more than enough).
Fido said:
Suppose I should report my second palmolive stick - 48p New Milton Tesco.
Good afternoon Fido!

I have used the tubed Palmolive cream,(lovely stuff), but you have inspired me to go out and get a couple of sticks. I have some small glass Ramekins, and will mill the sticks into one of these and see how it goes!
Purchased two cans of Old Spice Deodorant Body Spray and some Whitewater AS by Old Spice(now Proctor & Gamble,of course). Tesco ,Brislington, Bristol was the supplier. Body spray was £1.00 per can on promo' and Whitewater was £4.00 instead of £5.00 ! The AS smells really nice, looking forward to using it tomorrow a.m.
I borrowed a rolling pin, got stuck in and pressed the palmolive sticks into my bowl. It works really well. I've been told it didn't do the rolling pin much good. I forgot to clean it up!
Fido said:
I borrowed a rolling pin, got stuck in and pressed the palmolive sticks into my bowl. It works really well. I've been told it didn't do the rolling pin much good. I forgot to clean it up!

OK Fido, I have to ask, how do you use the rolling pin to get the sticks into the bowl? wouldn't milling be easier? :?
Arrowhead said:
Brute force, I shouldn't wonder.

Yes, Fido does look like the aggressive, brutish, bad tempered sort doesn't he? He would enjoy beating and bashing a couple of poor, defenceless, soap sticks into submission, and pressing them into a bowl - against their will I might add!!
Fido said:
It's amazing what you can do with a rolling pin and dexterous fingers.

When I did my Palmolive stick morphing, some weeks ago, I sliced the first into slightly thicker than 10p pieces and arranged them neatly and tightly around the ramekin. The second was grated (using Mrs Spirit's cheese grater) and compressed evenly, by thumb and teaspoon pressure, over the first. Cracking job, works a treat!

A couple of months ago I also morphed a stick of ARKO into an empty Erasmic bowl/container; perfect fit and great for travel - but, I suppose, so is the stick!
Blyth Spirit said:
When I did my Palmolive stick morphing, some weeks ago, I sliced the first into slightly thicker than 10p pieces and arranged them neatly and tightly around the ramekin.

I did the very same last night actually, after placing the slices into the ramekin I stood the whole lot in hot water for ten minutes and then just pressed it down firmly with my thumb as it was a bit softer. Worked a treat