Acquisitions w/c Mon Nov. 8th - Sun 14th incl.

Nothing so far this week. Been excited waiting for the postie to deliver some mama bears. I think he must have forgotten where i live. Only the number of parcels he has delivered here just recently, i doubt that. Perhaps he smelt the package and thought he might like to try the wonderful stuff himself :lol:
Well, as i eagerly await his arrival my beard is growing nicely. So when they do finally arrive they should have something considerable to work with. :lol:
Heres hoping its not too long. The wife will think i have got board with another hobby.
From Conaught

Floid Genuine sample
Pashana AS
Hattric AS

From n1vlo

Muhle R41
Razor as new in original box with two complementary packs of blades.

Thank you n1vlo you are a gent.

Sunbury - Only you can put a razor blade on a leather couch and not have a disaster, if I did that it would be a slashed bum or sofa (or both) when I forgot about the blade after something distracted me. I admire your luck :lol:

The other week my lather mug met an unfortunate end when I clumsily knocked it off the counter. My dressing gown sleeve caught it and it fell onto the tiled bathroom floor; you can imagine the results

After sweeping up the bits I got straight onto Steve Woodhead and he very quickly made me another one of his 5T's but this time used 14oz of clay as opposed to the normal 12, this makes it slightly taller and wider than the 5T model but this is a personal preference. Mine is 11.5 cm wide by 8.5 cm high which is bang on what I asked for. Clay is hard to get to a specific end size than you think as clay shrinks a bit in the drying process. Steve was willing to give it a go (again) so full marks to him for willingness to do custom bowls and actually getting it to the desired end size, clearly this man has some skills.

The slant on the wall makes it wide enough to get the smaller brushes into it, even the wee scott, and still leave enough room for my hand to swirl; more importantly the larger brushes fit perfectly and the higher walls mean I can swirl like a madman and not splatter or loose half the lather stuck up the walls.

The one I broke was also a Steve Woodhead one but that used 13oz of clay, this new one with an extra oz of clay is only 1cm taller which is not a huge difference but it does seem to allow my most commonly used brushes to sit perfectly.

Why do these things always arrive after you have shaved? never mind I will enjoy using it tomorrow :shave

Urban Hermit said:
IOt's looking pretty spiff!

    • Did you use anything besides the ultrasonic & Elbow Grease®?[/list:u][/list:u]

    • When i got it, it was dull, scratched and dirty, I used the Ultrasonic, some Aircraft Screen Scratch Remover, and some Plastic polish, it came up a treat
Vintage radio restorers reckon T Cut or chrome cleaner eg Autosol is good for cleaning up bakelite. I cleaned up a dull bakelite razor case with a good wipe down with a damp cloth to remove dirt followed by a light buff over with a little WD40 on tissue to bring back the shine.

Back to acquisitions - In contrast to Audiolab, I received today a shaving cup from Connaughts for a fiver.
Martin the Wonder Postie brought some goodies today from Paul, at Connaught.

Paul, at Connaught now has extended his line of Lord Razor Group blades, and has been good enough to have put them all together in a sample pack, which I then generously purchased from Connaught (along with a sample of Floid* Blue).

Martin the Wonder Postie, delivered to me today, that parcel from Paul at Connaught.

Fast reliable friendly as all get out service from Paul, at Connaught, and Martin the Wonder Postie, both.


* Can anyone tell me how "Floid" is supposed to be properly pronounced?

  • Is it like Ffloyd, the barber on the old Andy Griffith's Show?
      • Is it a dipthong and thereby pronounced something closer to Flow + id?
              • ... or is it something completely differently, whilst still not being Monty Python material?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
KRF1963 said:
Looks nice and shiny Steve - Better than my Wardonia and you can get blades to fit!

What does it shave like?

Surprisingly, It shaves nicely, i expected it to be a nightmare coz it's light, but with a new supermax blade in it, it shaved like a treat, will be going in my travel kit
A new brush from Fido, a new brush knot to send to Beejay, a few bits of t'bay....................mmm whats my travel kit, oh yer a Merkur 34HD in a Merkur Bakelite case...........which it fits perfectly....... .
All in shocking condition:

2 x Slim Adjustable
1 x Gold Super Adjustable
1 x US Aristocrat

(all for $40 + £10 customs)

Will post pics when pretty.
100 Gillette 7 o'clock yellows

oh and a card from the postie saying I've got a customs charge on a fatboy I bought from ebay that came from the US. Be interesting to see what the seller put on the packaging!!!!!!!!!

Not happy.