Acquisitions Mon 30th May - Sun 5th Jun.

Set of 3 Ikea Grundtal storage tins. I've melted Ogallala bay rum and sweet orange into one, grated Provence Sante into another and the third will probably get a grated palmolive stick to stop it feeling left out. They're ush on lids as opposed to screw shut but at £5.10 for 3 very handy!

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simmo3801 said:
Set of 3 Ikea Grundtal storage tins. I've melted Ogallala bay rum and sweet orange into one, grated Provence Sante into another and the third will probably get a grated palmolive stick to stop it feeling left out. They're ush on lids as opposed to screw shut but at £5.10 for 3 very handy!

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if you push them down they should then turn and lock, well the ones I got do
Bought a Gillette Aristocrat yesterday from FrenchBlade.

Am off to the local salon supplies shop today for Barbicide, a Barbicide small jar and half a litre of Witchhazel.
I was going to report a few items, but...

Following the two shipments I lost late March to end of April (Iridium blades and Pens BB shave & bath soap), I now have four more parcels from the UK (again all four from TSR members) gone missing. :x

These latest four consist of two very kind PIFs plus a soap puck and a Merkur OC. All four TSR members who sent those did so in not 'signed for' service. This was as I had asked them to do so due to the relatively low monetary value of the items contained and also due my impression that the local Post Office Service is pretty reliable and honest. However, I now begin to change my mind. :!:

Six shipments in total, all sent from the UK not 'signed for' and most likely gone missing in a period of 9 weeks means someone local here suddenly started to observe that I do get a lot of stuff coming in so he/she simply decided to join the party. I cannot blame RM for this, as the totality and time frame of occurrences shows me that the 'rat' who is causing this is more likely to be located in Latvia.

Disrespect to the people who kindly offered something they had, to me who trusted the local postal service and at the end of the day: theft. This is what this is. :twisted:

From now on as far as I am concerned, only registered service on my account or DHL/FedEx no matter what the cost may be. Once again, many thanks to those who shipped the goods (you've had PM already) and sorry for the bad news lads, no need for any replacements whatsoever - just all members beware if you ever again have to ship anything outside the UK and especially to this end. I know generalizations are not good at all, but six packages in two months' time gone to the moon, sorry, there's something fishy here (and I really hope it is only here that this is happening).

Just an alert to all and nothing more. :|

Nonetheless, acquisitions will continue ferociously! :eek:
N_Architect said:
Six shipments in total, all sent from the UK not 'signed for' and most likely gone missing in a period of 9 weeks means someone local here suddenly started to observe that I do get a lot of stuff coming in so he/she simply decided to join the party. I cannot blame RM for this, as the totality and time frame of occurrences shows me that the 'rat' who is causing this is more likely to be located in Latvia.
I think we should send you some hydrochloric acid in a AS bottle, and maybe a few dogturds in ziplock bags, with a little note :p
We'd have to mark a little "X" on one of the corners of the parcel, so you know it's a "trap"! I'll put in a piece of electronics that looks like a tracking bug.

I'm willing to send you something of that order :p

Might get the guy/girl thinking twice before stealing shit again.

Can you please translate this in latvian so I can put it on a piece of paper?

Hi there, you seem to like stealing stuff, hope you enjoy these, please note that this parcel has been tracked, and we now know where you live.
Steal another parcel, and we will come and get you. If you would like to redeem yourself, you can send all stolen stuff back to the rightful owner:
<insert your adress>

Not sure if a parcel from france will get nabbed, but I think someone from the UK will be willing to send you something "valuable" untracked.
I'll put on a valuable customs declaration for good measure. (no need within the EU, but hey!)

A Chubby 1 in best should be here sometime this week. Keep my D3 se company and put to rest the argument of duke v chubby.
FrenchBlade said:
I'm willing to send you something of that order :p

Might get the guy/girl thinking twice before stealing shit again.


Just send Vinnie in a big box unsigned for they wont do it again :shock: :lol:
kev... said:
FrenchBlade said:
I'm willing to send you something of that order :p

Might get the guy/girl thinking twice before stealing shit again.


Just send Vinnie in a big box unsigned for they wont do it again :shock: :lol:

It was MY stuff that went missing in Latvia.

Got a van full of lads here, all with football banning orders waiting for the word.

£2 in sainsburys
Post Received today

A Boxed Flair tip

Had a trawl round an Antiques fair this morning, found:

a Parker "45" Harlequin (i have one already but there were two patterns of this pen and i now have both)
a Boxed Tech
and this Gillette Number 77 set (looked like crap but my x-ray vision could see beyond its crusty appearance ;) )

Before Fairy Dust:


After Fairy Dust:






Wow! What a beautiful razor, Sunburyboy!
I've been hunting a Brit. NEW for awhile, but with no luck, unfortunately... :p

Well, at a Portuguese drug-store, I bought 2 Spanish classic products:


And from the 3rd anniversary promotion at



My photos simply don't make justice to the beauty of this brush... :oops:
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