Acquisitions - December 2022

I have a confirmed pre-1908 single ring. It's silver plated. I react to silver plate. I've agonised about getting it replated ("Lipstick on the Mona Lisa" @TobyC) as I really want to use it. So, I've been on the hunt for an early user-grade Gillette Old Type that I could get re-plated (as I also have a tatty #88 New Type for plating) and managed to snag this one:

It's a Pat. Nov. 15.04 with a blank baseplate. No code on the chuck. Code on the top of the baseplate is C775206 putting it at 1915.

Side-by-side with my 1906 (right).

I gave it a quick run with Peek

Damn it! It came up so shiny, I now worry I've gone and bagged another ruddy silver one. Never mind! I'm happy about getting this one plated.