Acquisitions 1st Mar - 31st Mar 2016

Received these three things in the past couple of days;

1) A Schick Super II DeLuxe
I personally really like the look of this old cartridge razor with its thin handle and gold details.
Introduced in the 1970's but it's still looking good for a 40 year old cartridge razor ;)



2) Three shampoo bars of Mike's Natural Soap
This is the second year now where I am almost exclusively only using Mike's shampoo bars and my hair has never been cleaner :)


3) A vintage M-Bros 2 brush
This brush surprised me a bit when I unpacked it and picked it up - a much more 'substantial' feel to it than most of the other vintage brushes that I have.
A really nice weight and very, very smooth curves and lines.
I'm really pleased with it - as I think it looks and feels fantastic - but I'm fully aware of these vintage wood-metal brushes is not everyone's cup of tea :)



Buying a second pot of this epic soap might very well be laying up treasures on earth where I've got to watch out for moths and stuff, but at least I've now got a spare tub of beautiful Beaudelaire :)
everyone has their favourites....this is mine.


dont know a lot about these, made by G.B.S. which it seems was a scottish firm, has a MOD arrow on the back and '44' in a little circle. may be WW2 issue? my other one of these came from france so could be...
these feel quite aggressive as in you can feel the blade for sure, but they are not at all if that makes any sense? very odd but they have a magic combination that just works for me-effortless super smooth shaves regardless of blade/soap combo. highly reccomended!
many thanks to Dave-the-rave for this, a pleasure to deal with =)
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