7 day set on eBay for £1200: pure madness?

Hi I am Swiss and neutral,I will apologise of sorts for what appears like we are being discouraging but we are not, that I can 100% assure you of.

Straight razors are a very specialist subject that will require a life time to learn,and master.If you go down the straight razor road....learn you will. If someone posts some thing that is incorrect,there is a 99.99% chance of it being jumped on..... not to embarrass that person but to make sure the facts are correct, I pick no bones over it ,and have been put right quiet a few times myself, :blush: but I have learned by them.

We do not seek to discourage, but we do try to promote the use of these fine razors, it's ok to make misstakes, this is life learn.

This is in no way an opinion, nor a statement in any way,as I am Swiss....and neutral.
Sunburyboy93 said:

a few threads have been locked up recently. Lets not make this another ?



I couldn't agree more... I would like to find out what happens to that razor set, it would be nice to find out the outcome of the restoration and hopefully it takes pride and place in a collection somewhere

I'm not arguing anything about honing or restoration, only the validity of certain criteria that are demonstrable to most people who are sensible. Not viewpoints - facts.

I well take the point of posting ill-informed information and the danger of complete newbies reading it and thinking it is true, so like Mikael, I will not stand for that.

I have absolutely nothing against the free exchange of opinions and ideas - this isn't some sort of fascist state we live in, after all! All I would point out here is that an opinion formed after little experience is worth just that - very little.

I do not set out to embarrass people when correcting their errors - unless they have such self-inflated egos they cannot admit that they are wrong, and if they persist in being dunderheads then they deserve all they get - nothing wrong with that, is there?

If others reading these views (other than the main proponents at hand) are distressed, intimidated or hurt by them then I apologise without hesitation.
